
409 10 1

June 25th



I was so hesitant about telling my moms that i was pregnant because i was supposed to be heading to JSU soon for college. My parents weren't ur average parents, my dad was black and my mom was white, they were boujee asf and hated when i hung around Brittany and Leah. They had called them ghetto and said they were bad for my image, they always portray to be somebody else and i wasn't going for that. Im pretty sure she was going to kick me out since she wanted me to follow her footsteps and i was doing the exact opposite.

"nijah whats wrong hunny, you barley touched the food on ur plate, my mom ana had said as i played with my food with my fork

"im not hungry this morning" i said as i sat my fork down

"oh no baby u need to eat" my dad john had said, they had always felt like they had a powerful force over me, anything they said to do i did it. sometimes i felt stupid..

"im fine" i said as i took a sip of my water

"nijah" my mom said as she raised her eyebrow up

"i said im fine mom" i said as i raised my voice i was so fed up, i instantly ran to the bathroom and threw up as they followed me. I never had any personal space dealing with them

"nijah whats wrong hun" my dad said as he looked at me while i started to wipe my mouth 

"look at this john" my mom said as he looked in the bathroom trash and seen a pregnancy box, shit i was busted

"what is this" my dad said as he looked at me and i looked down

"so done got yourself knocked up huh" my mom said as she threw the box at my face, "you're just 18 Ja'Nijah what the hell has gotten into you" i began to tear up

"Hey, ana stop. You were just like her we cannot judge her because of her mistakes. We've all made mistakes" my dad said as he raised his voice at ana

"i dont care john she is nothing but a whore hanging with brittany and leah i knew they were up to no good. so that is why im setting u up to get an abortion" she said and i immediately spoke up, ana always wanted me to be perfect but i wasn't and she wasnt either. Instead of getting pregnant at 18 she got pregnant with me when she was 15, i am nothing like her. 

"no im not" i said, "you got pregnant in the 9th grade sweetheart, nothing is fast about me. im not killing my baby" i added on and she smacked me

"you will not talk to me like this get the hell out of my house and dont come back" she said

"dad" i said as my eyes filled with tears

"listen to ur mother, go" he said as he turned away, i hated these mfs with a passion they nver did shit for me that i couldnt do myself, i ran to my room got my pink luggage zip up and packed as many hygiene and clothes that could fit in there and dialed my baby father's number i hoped and prayed he picked up and within the 5th ring he did.

"hello" he said with a raspy voice, although i was drunk when i met him. I remembered that he was fine asl and older than me by 3 years

"oh i didnt mean to wake u im sorry, u can go back to sleep" i said about to hang up

"na ma you straight?" he questioned. i didnt want to tell the truth but something in me was telling me i should

"no, can u come get me" i asked, "twan i need u rn please" i begged he was the only one i could call, everyone else had babies and couldnt help me

"yea im omw ja'nijah" he said and then hung up, im glad he could help me i know he has a life but many wouldnt get involved in things like this



"cmon i gotta do hair mario" i said as i told mario because he wanted to play these childish ass games this morning, as i chased him around the house he was holding patience

"nah bruh" he said almost tripping

"seee i dont even care no mo, give me my baby cause if u drop her ima mop yo ass" i said as i walked over and she spit up on mario

"damn p" mario said as patience started giggling

'thats right mommy, say daddy got mommy fucked up" i said as i grabbed her

"cmon lay teaching her bad ass words and shit" mario said, he been playing all morning and today was not the day cause i wanted him so bad but i didnt wanna tell him because he would try to rush into things

i sat down on the couch as i began to feed her before mario watched her while i did hair, "on da hood so look bae" he said as he stood infront of me

"why tf is u infront of me like that move im listening" i said, mario was starting to become real corny but it was cute because only i brought this out of him. 

"girl shut up" he said as he sat across from me, "i think u forgot that our anniversary is comin up" he added on

"what about it" i asked as i was watching p fall asleep, but she was not tryna let go of the bottle

"man fuck u den" he said as he got mad, he looked fine asl mad no yapp

"we gon have a lil seksss" i said as he smirked, 'yeen even going fa dat come on now" he said as he shook his head, i heard a knock on the door and got up laid p in her swing and went back to the living room and mario was still in there

"byee mario" i said as i walked to him and tried to pull him off the couch instead he pulled me on him, "u love me" he said in my ear and it sent me chills

"yes now move please" i said as i tried to get up and he stopped me, "what" i said as i looked him, i was most definitely going to go on birth control fuckin around with him. 

"say it back and ima move" he said, this the dumb shit he been doing alll morning, "i love u too" i said as kissed him and he got up, "keep on playing with me malaysia" he said as he went in the hallway and went into the room

an hour later

"bitch idk who raised this baby but he scratched my face tf up look" kayla said as she got in the camera to show me as i was sewin some hair in

"aww kaylaa"i said laughing cause that was most definitely seans child, "cut his long ass nails down" i said 

mario walked down the hallway with p and stared at me, "fuck u in here giggling for" he said irritated, just wanted to be seen

"boy take yo ugly ass back in dea" i said as kayla said, "yeah he nosey"

"na sweetheart, aw shit my bad how u doin" he said as he asked my client, he was so rude lmao

"kayla dont startand damn she cant talk on" mario told her. hmm / mario was so extra..

25 mins later i was done

25 mins later i was done

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"do mine bae, u need to do mines " he said being funny

"u so erkin" i said as she paid me



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