Chapter 1

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Erin's POV:

"Umm... Annabeth, truth or dare?" Annabeth paused looking around the circle contemplating her fate. Annabeth was one of my best friends; Becca, Noah, Claire and Luka all were. We have been friends all of high school and we were constantly playing stupid games like truth or dare.

"Truth." Annabeth decided. Damn, she usually picked truth but fair enough, considering the way I played. Most of my dares consisted of embarrassing tasks to complete, however; I wasn't going to let Annabeth get off that easy. I rubbed my palms together for dramatic effect, which got a pity laugh from Becca.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" I winked at Noah. He'd had a crush on Annabeth since he met her in year 7. He glared at me, luckily unnoticed by Annabeth. She was so oblivious to Noah's feelings. Everyone in our friends group knew except Annabeth but she had never been super great at noticing other peoples crushes on her. Trust me there have been many examples. You see, Annabeth is one of the prettiest girls in school. People constantly flirted with her. Yet, she never intentionally flirted back or even showed the slightest bit of interest in anyone. She has rejected every person that has asked her out. Crazy enough that's quite a lot of people. She doesn't even let guys come close to her. Hence, I am not expecting a yes. She never got crushes or at least she didn't share them.

"Umm... no. I mean kind of. No, no. I don't have a crush on anyone." Annabeth blurted. Everyone's jaws hit the floor. Except Noah who was beaming like an idiot. You could just see Annabeth's bright red cheeks as she hid her face in her hands. Annabeth didn't drink much tonight but whatever she had tonight was plenty for her to unintentionally spill her secrets.

"No, I didn't- I- Ugh!" She continued to stammer. Everyone was laughing hysterically at Annabeth and her attempt to diffuse the situation. 

"No way, who?" Noah couldn't contain his excitement but Annabeth was too busy trying to hide her emotions to notice. She looked flustered and hot but a laugh would escape her lips every once and a while.

"Nope, that was not the question. It was do I have a crush on anyone. Not who." Annabeth argued. A large grumble of disappointment flood through the group. 

"Come on, you can tell us." Claire pleaded but it was no use. Annabeth would not even give up a clue, which by the way was killing Noah. It was such a strange occurrence to see Annabeth openly interested in someone. I honestly thought she was Asexual or something similar. Maybe she has had crushes but was never tipsy enough to share them. I became determined to find out who it was. Part of me did wish it were Noah, just for his sake. His crush was getting sad at this point. Pining over Annabeth when she took little to no interest in him. The game continued and every once and a while someone would attempt to catch Annabeth off guard so she would reveal her crush but everyone failed miserably, receiving a laugh from Annabeth. It got pretty late so we decided to leave Lukas' house. We almost always went to Luka's. His parents were never home and he was pretty close to all of us. 

"At least give me a hint, just one. Please." I begged as Annabeth and I walked home, Me and Annabeth were next door neighbors ensuring we almost always walked home together. It also meant I had a chance with Annabeth alone to question her on her crush. I figured she would be more inclined to tell me when no one else was around. Especially if it was Noah.

"Ha-ha. Fine. He has dark black hair." Annabeth finally caved. Okay, so it wasn't a big clue but I could work with it. Good news for Noah he had black hair but so did half the kids in our grade. Shoot. 

"Hey that's not fair that could be anyone." I wined. 

"Just be grateful I gave you a hint at all." Annabeth laughed. 

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