5.does she..... love me

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She kissed me on the ckeek. And she said yes. Well it is arranged after all. I never thought I would get married now. But now that I am, I want her to know that I will take care of her and that I will try to love her

I don't know if she will ever love me but if she doesn't I wont blame her honestly it takes a while to love someone. Especially if you were arranged to marry that person.

I dont know why but I feel something hurt at the thought of her not loving me back

Maybe I do love her.


I kissed him on the cheek. I did it because I didn't want him to feel like I hate him. I mean I don't hate him I just don't know if I will ever love him. He's a great guy and I know that he will treat me right. But I guess I'll find out soon

I said yes of course because I know that its arranged.  But after he gave me that speech. I knew that he wont hurt me and he said he'll try to love me so I guess I'll try to love him too

After harry proposed the whole restaurant erupted in applause and said congratulations. Even the manager came and said congrats. And he told harry that he picked the right place to propose

Now we are on our way home. Harry parked the car and we got out walking side by side to the door. He held my hand and entwined our fingers.  I smiled at him and he smiled back

We got to the door and I opened it and we stepped in harry shutting the door behind us

"Were back" I shouted

"In here" gemma shouted back. Me and harry entered still holding hands. Everyone looked at our entwined hands and smiled we smiled back

"Um maria your mom told me to take you to the kitchen when you come back. She needs you" gemma said

"Ok" I said letting go of harrys hand and following gemma to the kitchen where I found mom and aunt Anne talking. Gemma pushed me on the chair

"What happened" mom said over joyed

"He proposed" I said smiling

My mom gasped " really" aunty asked acting surprised

"Yes" I said. "you guys new about this didn't you" I asked

They nodded

"He told us before we came and when you left we told your mom" gemma said

"Why didn't you tell me"

"Cuz he wanted to surprise you. Dum dum" gemma said in a duh tone

"Well what did you say"mom asked

"I said yes of course.  I cant really say no can I"

"Good point"


After gem and M left. The boys started asking questions

"What happened"

"How did it go"

"What did she say"

"What was her reaction like"

"Did she get mad"

"Woah... guys calm down.she said yes, it went great, she was happy and she didn't get mad" I explained

They all sighed in relief

"Aww I can't believe hazza is getting married" louis said pinching my cheeks

I swatted his hands away

"Yeah it really is hard to believe. Your not going to leave us are you"liam asked

"No of course not" I said. They all smiled

"Who wants desert? " gemma asked

"Yum desert" niall said cheerfully. Gemma and maria came in holding two trays with cake on them and handed everyone a plate. Maria sat next to me with two plates she handed me one and I smiled thankfully at her. She smiled back and we all ate in silence

"So maria harry you guys are getting married in two months" aunty said

"And we are going dress shopping next week" gemma said

"Ok" maria said nodding

"Alright guys we should get going" mom said

"Awww" the boys and I frowned

"Its ok guys we can hang out again soon" maria said

They all nodded and said ok. We got up and headed towards the door. They all said they're good byes and headed out to the car. While stayed behind saying bye to maria

"So goodnight" I said hugging her

"Goodnight" she said kissing my cheek.i smiled. I really like when she does that

She smiled back and I headed to the car.i waved back and louis sped off

And I can't help but think about her and if she loves me or ever will love me


Hey guys. It was sort of a boring chapter I know. But I told you about harry and maria and how they feel. So hope you liked it. Vote comment & follow.  I will follow back

Love you

Peace out~

married at 16 (Harry styles fanfiction) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now