Chapter Ten

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Mei kept banging on the door to her room scraping her hands to blood. Her voice became hoarse from continuous screaming and stomach kept getting tied in a knot. She never felt weaker than that time, trapped in a room unable to do anything.

"Please open the door!" she screamed once again. Mei turned around and started kicking the door with her leg. Tears continued streaming down her face as she wrapped her arms around herself.

Suigetsu walked into the common space and looked from Karin to Juugo.

"She hasn't stopped screaming since Sasuke left," he said.

"So? Leave her. Sasuke will deal with her when he comes back." Karin shrugged returning to the papers in front of her. Suigetsu glanced at Juugo who looked indifferent.

"I'll go check on her," the blonde said.

"Suit yourself."


The blonde made his way to the Mei's bedroom. Her pleas to open the door were quieter, but Suigetsu could tell, Mei did not give up. The desperation and pain in her voice made his shiver. He did not know the whole story, but from what he had seen a disaster was about to unfold. Suigetsu lifted the jutsu from the door and walked into the room. Mei glanced at him like a caged animal. Her small figure looked even smaller leaning on the wall. Suigetsu looked at her face. Mei's pupils were dilated and lips slightly parted. Sweat beaded her forehead. Suigetsu watch as she attempted to get past him. In her current state it was impossible.

"Want to leave?" he questioned.

Mei nodded carefully.

"Want to stop him?"

Mei nodded again.

"Why?" Suigetsu did not understand his own intentions, yet he was curious, and he needed to satisfy that curiosity.

"Because I know what he doesn't." Mei responded. Suigetsu did not respond. Mei felt anxious. The time was ticking. Suddenly he did what she least expected. Suigetsu took one step away from the door.

"Go," he told her.


"Go," he repeated nodding at the door. Mei did not lose time. She rushed to the door. She threw a final glance at Suigetsu who leaned on the wall with arms crossed on his chest.

"I don't understand why, but...thank you Suigetsu." The girl hurried out of the hideout.

Suigetsu sighed heavily. "Yeah, yeah..."


Itachi made another strike at Sasuke. The younger Uchiha blocked with ease, returning the attack. As the fight continued, the boiling rage and hatred fuelled his attacks. Sasuke activated his lightening and sent it as Itachi. For a moment, the older Uchiha lost his concentrate, but it was enough for Sasuke to pierce his body with his katana.

"You've become strong," Itachi said quietly.

"Itachi...I have one last thing to ask," Sasuke responded furrowing his eyebrows. Itachi snickered.

"Only one?"

Sasuke frowned furiously, resting finishing his brother off at that moment. Itachi raised his hand; his index and middle fingers pressed to each other and pointed away. Sasuke's gaze followed the direction. His eyes widened slightly. Itachi sat at the Uchiha throne, resting his face on his hand. Suddenly the body beneath him shuddered and dissociated into a flock of crows. Sasuke slowly stood up.

"Another farce with your special genjutsu?"

"What do you want to know?" Itachi's face was unreadable.

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