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"Billie, the kids will start to come in in around 5 minutes so put that away please." My manager asked quickly before running back around the curtains to do her other tasks. I smirked keeping the cherry lollipop I had in my mouth. Like hell I'd throw it away. "You should listen to her Billie. Some people might think it's rude." My mom pitched in giving me a sharpie I had forgotten to grab earlier. I took the sweet candy out of my mouth with a whine. "Trust me, they aren't going to care. I can still talk." I put the candy back in my mouth. "see?" My words were very muffled and it had only proved her point. My mother playfully rolled her eyes. "You're a pain sometimes you know?" I smiled finally taking the candy out again and throwing it away in the trash can next to me. "Yea maybe, but I'm your pain." I smiled back making my mother kiss my cheek and leave back with my manager.

"I agree you're a pain in the ass dude." My brother piped in next to me with a stupid smirk on his face. "Shut the hell up." As I said that, A fan came from behind the curtain with the biggest smile on her face.

"Hi cutie! what's your name?" I said quickly switching from playful to serious. "H-Hi! It's Adessa." I immediately went in for a hug and I heard her sniffles so I rubbed her back for comfort. "You're so precious don't cry!"

i'm very used to crying fans but I never mind them. She wore my Blohsh hoodie and leggings and looked adorable in it. She hugged me a bit longer until a security guard told us to wrap it up. I pulled back with a sad smile and sat back down. We talked for a moment as I was signing the album she wanted me to sign. I then posed for a picture and she left. Same thing over again. More came in and I did my best to make it enjoyable for everyone

The album signing had lasted a couple hours and by the end I had met a good couple hundred fans. I was exhausted by the time the last fan had left and was ready for a nice long nap. I ran a hand through my hair proud of myself for today.

Finneas was talking with my mother on future plans so I scrolled through instagram liking random posts.

"Guys, nice work! We finished right on the time limit." My manager came back with water bottles and handed one to my brother and I. I gladly accepted taking several big gulps. "Thanks Jen. Can I go to a bathroom now?" I asked standing up and straightening the hoodie I was wearing. Jen nodded and pointed to one of my bodyguards. "He'll take you but be careful, a lot of the fans are still around the mall waiting for you. I nodded as the tall big man led me away from the entrance to try and stay unnoticed. The man beside me walked fast and I had to almost jog to keep up with his pace, and that was a little hard since I walked with my head down. My guard stopped and stood outside the door. I looked up and around before walking inside.

After doing my business I went to wash my hands. As I was rinsing off I heard a shuffle. I froze and instinctively looked in the mirror and was surprised to see a man looking back at me. I gasped and turned around quickly making sure I was seeing right. I was pretty sure I walked in the women's bathroom? I quickly looked around and saw no urinals so it was definitely the women's bathroom. What the fuck was he doing in here? My heart pounded when he said no words but stared at me, so intensely that it froze me. The man wore a white tank top and jeans and it was stained all over. His hair, whatever he had left was messy and also dirty. I finally found my confidence to take a step away and then another, but the man never stopped his eye contact.

Suddenly he ran full speed at me and covered his dirty hand over my face. I screamed at the suddenness and adrenaline took over and I tried my hardest to shove him off but he held me harder to the point it started to hurt. "Shut up, little one. You need to follow my orders like a good little girl and I won't hurt ya." What the fuck? I started panicking but the man was strong. he got something out of his pocket. I looked down and saw it was a rag. I tried again to shove him off using all the strength I could but it was no match. He was way stronger than me. He put the cloth over my face but I held my breath.
"Oh princess, you have to breath sometime." I tried again to shove him off but it took a lot of my energy and I accidentally took a breath. Immediately the world started to spin and I felt warm tears go down my face. I could hardly stand on my feet anymore as I tried my hardest to fight it off. "That's it, little one, relax." I cried more feeling my eyes become heavy. I can't stay awake no matter how hard I tried. The last thing I heard was the man laughing softly.

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