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{10 years ago}

Caroline opened her eyes slowly, and she was stood in the New Orleans cemetery. Amelia Bennett looked fascinated, and she knew all too well it wasn't because of her.

"Kai Parker," The witch eyed him curiously. "Isn't this a pleasure."

The siphoner looked around his surroundings with wild eyes, as if he hadn't seen the light of day in years. Laughing to himself, he greeted the witch back happily.

"The pleasure's all mine Amelia," he replied. "Thanks again for the nifty Bennett blood."

"I was paid handsomely," She looked towards Katherine. "My work here is done, doppelgänger. You can leave now."

The Petrova looked quite pleased with herself, a faint smirk upon her red lips as she thanked Amelia for her services. The trio started walking out of the cemetery, and Caroline tried to ignore Kai's mumbles of excitement. For a sociopath, he seemed much too full of emotions.

She would've thought she'd be in somewhere like Los Angeles by now, sucking human's dry left and right. For some reason, sticking with Katherine wasn't as fun and bloodlusty as she'd hoped.

"Listen here both of you."

Katherine's voice cut through her thoughts as they stoods outside the cemetery gates. Caroline tried to ignore her thirst at the thought of tourists who were only a few feet away, paying attention towards her.

"It's high time that what i've been working for, finally goes through." She spoke seriously. "Now that Kai is here, our possibilities are endless."

"You mean freedom, right?" Caroline asked.

"Yes. Freedom for all of us, and I think you're smart enough to know what we need to do next."

"Ooh, killing the big bad hybrid?" Kai interjected much too excitedly. Caroline stiffened, directing her gaze towards the ground.

"Only if he's naughty," Katherine notices the vampire's uneasy expression, raising her eyebrows.

"What's the matter, cupcake? Scared that we'll have to get rid of your boyfriend?"

Caroline stared daggers into the doppelgänger, the familiar darkness threatening to come out once more at her words. It wasn't like she still had feelings for Klaus, that was the whole deal with the humanity switch, but there was a a glimmer of uncertainty at the thought of mention of Klaus Mikaelson that she despised. He could rot in hell for all she cared.

Or did she?

"Shut up," Caroline only growled in response, not wanting to give he the satisfaction. "He isn't anything to me anymore. Do what you will."

"Hold up," The siphoner held in a snicker. "You're telling me Blondie and Klaus had a thing? I didn't see that coming!"

Caroline was about to go off the edge at this point, but Katherine rolled her eyes, obviously not caring enough.

"Whatever, we need to get back on track." She started walking towards the French Quarter, to which the pair followed stubbornly.

"We need to find Klaus, tell him i want my freedom. If he denies, Kai can drain that magical goodness right out of him."

"And what then?" The vampire tried to act indifferent to what was suggested.

"Then we'll go on doing whatever we want, and Kai can go off committing murder."

"Oh c'mon," He groaned. "That was only four times, and for very good reasons! My siblings were annoying, and i even spared one of my sisters! I only cut out her spleen."

Enemies Of The State : Dark!KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now