Potter - Draco (smut/angst)

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"Sh, don't want anybody to hear us, do we?", his lips nibbled on her neck, hands massaging her skin, leaving a few hidden marks, something he'll be able to admire later on. His scent filled her nostrils, the faint green apple aroma made a homey feeling overcome her, trying to pull her love even closer.

"My gorgeous love", Draco breathed out, smiling at her, those bright eyes twinkling in the darkness of the storage room, he loved to feel her close, pressed against his chest, shuttered breaths leaving her swollen lips, begging for more.

"We need to leave", (y/n) mumbled, she couldn't miss her brothers first task, still shaken up from the way he had whispered "dragons" just last night. Her first instinct had been to tell him to quit, she couldn't endure watching him struggle against something that deadly, but soon enough the (y/h/c) haired Potter girl realized, she couldn't do anything, besides cheering for her brother, supporting him no matter what.

"Fucking Potter", Draco muttered under his breath, groaning as his girlfriend slapped her hand against his abdomen, "don't Draco, he's my bother", (y/n) reminded him once again, as if he wasn't struggling with the sober truth every single day.

Draco and (y/n) had crossed paths years ago, eyes gazing at each other as the hat sorted them into their houses. A Malfoy would naturally be placed into Slytherin, just like (y/n) followed her brother into Gryffindor. Draco could still feel the uneasy feeling rising in his stomach as the hat called "Gryffindor", he had deeply wished for her to follow him into Slytherin.

It had taken (y/n) and Draco a few years to finally find each other, coming clean with their emotions, hiding their relationship from curious eyes, especially the ones of Dracos so called enemy, Harry Potter, (y/n)s brother.

"He'll be fine, don't worry", Draco kissed her forehead, running a hand through his bright blonde hair, trying to lace his voice with any sympathy, struggling to do so. "I'll find you later one", and off he went, blending in with the rest of the students, cheering for anybody who didn't carry the name Potter.

His bright eyes would unintentionally find her (y/e/c) ones from time to time, checking to see, if she was alright, his heart was clenching at the sight, she was trembling, hands interlaced with Hermoines. Draco wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her, his mind was coming up with all the supportive things he'd whisper into her ear.

He caught himself admiring her features more than once, proud that he was the one, that got to call her his girlfriend, he'd do anything to show her off to all those students, if his bloodline and her brother wouldn't stand in their way.

Even Draco felt scared, just for a second though, but his emotions were pure, watching Harry disappear, chased by the dragon, praying that he'd make it. Harry couldn't leave (y/n) behind, he was the only true family member she had left, not as if she'd ever call her uncle and her aunt her family.

"God, Harry", she fell into her brothers arms, a relieved sob left her lips, (y/n) inhaled his scent, the all too familiar calming sensation overcame her, made her sink into her brothers embrace even further. "I'm alright, don't worry", he kissed her hairline, hands tightly squeezing her before he let go of her, ready to celebrate his victory.

Harry and Draco would cross paths once that evening, Harrys eyebrows would furrow together as he caught the blonde Slytherin staring at his sister, the almost lovingly seeming smile he shot her made Harry frown.

"(Y/n), love, look at me", Draco had her pressed against the cold wall, hands wrapped around her trembling frame, "he won't leave you, Harry will survive this tournament". An exhausted expression grazed Dracos features, both, (y/n) and Draco hadn't caught much sleep these past few days, she'd seek him out whenever another nightmare would haunt her, not able to keep on sleeping without him near.

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