Chapter 56

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[Lexa POV]

Five minutes after i saw Octavia and Luna joining Roan and the others in their camp.

"Ok, she is out" static from the walkie and Costias voice on

"10% Luna cut herself to help out bc Lexa stopped she gave the most blood of all the NightBleedas Lexa, stopped what is she doing?"

"I think she is tasting the air, 9% come on guys. Mi Heda you got this" i was tasting the air

"Ok, stop everyone we are good"

"Good, sitting in a rock next to her everyone will need some time to recharge, everyone except me Lexa?"


"Are you ok?"

"I am, take your time"

"How do you want to play this?"

"I'm coming down in 5"

"I'm meeting you half way to bring you here" we switched off our walks, i turned to Echo

"Let's end this Boika, blow him up and come down"

"The bombs are already on point, when you give me the ok i will light him up"

"Raven taught you that?"

"She did"

"See you soon, Boika"

"I'm coming behind you"

I grasp her hand and begun my way down to octavia and the others, aw i was sliding i saw the camera and smiled to it i knew Clarke was watching. Octavia was waiting for me at the bottom we grasped each other and walked to the others.

"Lexa? My sister" fell on my arms, i missed her and i was happy she was safe and alive

"My sister, how are you?"

"Now I can breath again, you and my husband are alive"

"Commander, what we are going to do?"

"I'll let him think he won, that we have no idea he is alive, i want every shelter to be empty except the prison shelter, i'll end him myself"

"And the others? Where will go?"

"Call Raven"

"Raven, this O do you copy?"

"I hear you O, what is going on?"

"Raven? How is Ark?"

"Lexa? i can hear Clarke from inside let me check, ok, no poison level all running smooth, why?"

"Ok, deactivate it and make it liveable, we gonna empty the shelters except you"

"Ok, Commander you can start move people in ten minutes"

"Thank you, miss Mechanic"

"Be safe Commander"

"We start moving people when we end i'll contact you...Clarke?"

"Mi Hodness?"

"We almost over, start to gather the people to come out and be patient yeah?

"Yes, my love see you soon"

"I love you WanHeda"

"I belong to you Lexa"

The walkie switched off and we started planning how we gonna move people fast and safe. After an hour we moved everyone from the other shelters to Ark, Raven did an amazing work make Ark ready, we put in charge people to make sure their people are safe and start to rebuild either in Ark, or around until this ends.

The night fell and we camped at 100 m from the shelter in the woods invisible to anyone, we managed to move them all. I took Octavia's walkie and reached to Raven.

"Rae, this is Lexa over?"

"I hear you Lexa, everything ok?"

"Everyone is safe in Ark, only you are in there, tomorrow all will end"

"Wait, hey guys? to the others in there with her lets give Hedas some privacy huh? i hear movement and door closing Lexa i put you in Clarkes ear ok?"

"Where you think you going? No,no miss Mechanic you have reason too"

"A great one...i hear them smiling Mi Heda? are you ok?"

"I can breath again my love no that you are safe and near me"

"You know that i'ld do anything for you my love"

"I won't put you in this situation, you are too important to deal with traitors"

" Do you remember what did i tell you in your initiation day? i hear a hissh from Clarke i know she remembers but i tell her anyway "I Swear Fealty To You, Clarke Kom Skaikru, I Vow To Treat Your Needs As My Own & Your People As My People"

Everyone around me were looking at me with ope mouths and eyes never in Heda history any Heda swore that anyone. Echo was hoorayed i could hear her from my Walkie.

"Lexa? ...Don't pls"

"Mi Heda" she broke down and started to cry, i couldn't hear her cry she broke me too

"My own mother betrayed me, Lexa my own mother"

"Mi Hodness, pls don't cry, we will find the truth together i swear"

She took two deep breaths, Raven gave her the hugs i couldn't, wiped her eyes and exhaled

"Pff, enough of this. Now Commander, how do you want to play this?"

"Roan with Luna and some men will be on the woods at right, Me and O will be on centre and Mills with some guards from left, Echo is on the mountain with my signal gonna light Emerson's camp up, the moment he leaves and comes down here" i hear Raven laughing and Clarke too

"That would be an amazing plan if Clarke didn't, have Bellamy threats to kill her, you as well and except me i hadn't have an admirer as well"

"What? Who?"

"His name is T.Z and we caught him with Bellamy handsome others"

"You caught him with Bellamy? What?"

"Ofc, when you left Arkadia, Abby told Clarke that Bellamy had escaped, Costia offered to bring him back and Clarke let her, in minutes he was coughed and beaten in the cells again"

"When Costia brought them back in no time, T.Z was among them, he is Cai's brother, the girl who tried to kill Raven" before i answer Echo answered

"And what he wants?" Raven sat properly

"To kill Raven"

"Revenge, i killed his sister so he wants to kill me"

"The truth is Cai is much alive and Raven put herself in this situation"

"Mrs. Mechanic, why? why did you do that?"

"Because he was lying to us again, he wanted to fight with us but the only thing he wants is to kill us, that's why"

"Well done Raven, don't worry nothing gonna happen to you or anyone else. I personally will kill anyone who tries anything" i was staring the camera too when i was saying that, i could feel Clarkes smile and i heard their exhale.

"I won't stop you Lexa, no more some people deserve to die of what they've done"

I was so proud of Clarke she is amazing leader and she will be amazing Heda with me. We said goodnight, we should rest tomorrow will be a big day thankfully the end of our enemies and the start of our peace and quiet.

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