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30 minutes before Ciel came home

"Have your brother contacted you yet?" Hyeon asked, as they entered the room, they took off their jacket and dropped it on the couch.

"Nah, not yet." Cayden replied. " I tried calling him but it just rang straight to voicemail, Akira have been texting me too asking if I've seen him. It's not like him to miss her graduation today thought. Even thought she had her aunt, niece and me there it's obvious she wasn't feeling it."

"I'm sure He'll turn up, you guys are the Chadwick, with your parents resources I'm sure you'll find him." Hyeon replied.

"I'm more worried about what he's doing right now than about him to be honest" Cayden muttered under his breathe.

"What was that?" Hyeon asked.

"Nothing, I'm pretty sure we'll find him." Cayden replied, as they walk to his room. When Hyeon close the door he grabbed Cayden from the back and hugged him tightly. "He'll be okay" he reassured Cayden.

Hyeon kissed his lips softly, tugging on his bottom lip gently. He pushed his hands under Cayden's shirt as his finger find his nipples he squeeze them gently earning a soft moan from Cayden, without removing their lips from each other, Hyeon caress his nipples as they kissed entwining their tongues together, Hyeon pushed Cayden gently on the bed and pulled off his shirt, Cayden pulled off his shirt as well. Hyeon pulled off Cayden's pants and boxers and then took off his own. He grabbed the lube from the nightstand and laid on top of Cayden he squeezed the lube onto their dicks, and grabbed their dicks together. Cayden moaned when Hyeon gripped his dick, their dick began growing in Hyeon's hand he began rubbing their dicks together. Hyeon rubbed their dicks together until they both cum. He kissed Cayden on his lips once and pulled back, while looking at him, until Cayden kissed him back.

Akira sat down with her phone in front of her, waiting for him or any news pertaining to him. He said he would be back since yesterday he ended up missing her graduation, she thought he would at least come in the evening she didn't feel like celebrating with her friends she just headed home. Now it's Sunday and he haven't contacted her. The tears began streaming down her cheek. A ball of emotion just exploded as she began crying she missed him and she was angry with him. A notification came in which she picked up, from an unknown number she opened the message where she saw a image that made her heart drop. It was Ciel leaving a girl's car it showed him smiling with her.

''Oh wow'' She muttered. So this is what he's doing huh she thought, she threw her phone on the couch as she got up. She went straight to her room, and began taking out his clothes from his side of the closet. As the tears streamed down her cheeks she aggressively wiped it off her cheeks. Here she was worried about him and he was with some other bitch. She pulled out his bag and began throwing his shit in the bag. When she finished she dragged it outside and threw it near the trash. She went back inside where more tears came pouring out of her eyes. I trusted him she thought. She held onto her belly as she cried. She picked up her phone and replied back to Ciel's mother, Marie told her she'll pay her 2million to stay away from her son. Marie sent her this text a month ago which Akira ignored.

Fine. she texted back.

I don't need him she told herself. I'll raise this baby by myself.

At Ciel's Penthouse

Ciel walked to the fridge and took a water bottle. He drank half of it and put it on the counter. I need to get a new phone. He thought. He went to his brothers room and knock on the door. The door opened quite fast. Cayden hugged him, ''Where have you been?!'' He almost shouted.

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