Chapter 1

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The day was gloomy, and a cold breeze blew through the open door. Laura quickly made her way to the door to close it until there was a tiny crack left to breathe into her bedroom. It was the middle of her exams and she wasn't really stressing because
"If you ignore it, it's not there!"
-as she had very intelligently told her friends. It had been almost a month of her not leaving the house even for lunches or dinners, and to say she was bored was an understatement. She had recently falling in love with her friend's one hot friend, which really just proved how horny she was.


Laura quickly got up from the floor where she had been lying trying to crack her back and flopped onto her bed. She glanced at the message she just got-

Antonio: Hey lesbo, bday party at my place. U should come

Laura smiled to herself at that message. Antonio and her had been best friends for a little over two years and they had always jokingly called each other "Homo" and "lesbo" because one time he was acting a bit too flirty with his other best friend.

Laura: no❤️

Laura smiled at the message then immediately started messaging her other mutual she had with him who said she was also going to be going to the party, thankfully. Laura asked Pascale if she knew any of the other people going and she said no, but that they could just make friends when they got there. Laura could already imagine the effort she would have to put in to learn about people and their boring lives and which schools they went to.

She put off her phone and got up to go make herself another cup of coffee. She was at the stage in life where she could barely function without caffeine, and her mom absolutely hated her having Monsters so she had to have coffee instead.

She walked into the prestige kitchen. It had dark mint coloured cupboards climbing all around the walls of the kitchen, and in the middle of the room was a white marble countertop with a bowl of fresh fruits in it. She completely ignored the fruit though and grabbed a biscuit out of the containers they kept in the one cupboard full of them and started crunching on it whilst she waited for the kettle to boil. She had been thinking about the party the entire time and was starting to wonder if there would be any cuties attending, but then her mind drifted further-
Would there be any potential lesbian cuties?

She shook her head to get the thought out of her head, she knew that it was bad to get her hopes up.

She grabbed the coffee out of the cupboard and started pouring the boiling water into the cup before adding a teaspoon of sugar and some milk. She grabbed a second biscuit and quickly made her way to the living room where her and her brother Josh would often just sit around watching Disney movies or playing Xbox. Laura was especially good at Call Of Duty, but Josh never wanted to play it.

She pressed the remote button to put on the tv and started watching an episode of Atypical, a show about an autistic boy who battles with everyday things, but she only watched it to see the relationship between his sister and her best friend. It was one of the only shows on Netflix to have anything about lesbians really, so she just had to be content with it. A scene came on where the couple was dancing at a party really close and Laura's mind drifted again-
Maybe she could do that with someone at the party? She could have a moment so pure and so precious that would not be judged by anyone because Antonio was very open minded. Then maybe a quick game of spin the bottle where the prettiest girl at the party spins and it lands on Laura and they get to go to the closet for a good 7 minutes...

"What you watching there?"

"JOSH" Laura quickly shouted, pausing the show. Now it was just stuck on the couple midway through a fight, THANK GOD.

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