making my way to hogwarts

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I took a deep breath out and settled my nerves as I realised that this year is going to be my 5th year of Hogwarts. I am expected at the train station in one hour and I haven't even begun to pack my case, my time management was one of the many reasons that my grades were so shocking, that and the fact that I have a massive crush on a boy in my classes.

His name is Ron Bilius Weasley, my crush and my best friend since 1st year. His orange hair never failed to catch my eye in class and I would constantly find myself staring at him, though Hermione would always nudge me in my side of course. I remember once staring at him in potions class like an absolute creep, when I was rudely interrupted from my daydream.

・゚:* flashback *:・゚

"y/ln, something caught your eye?" Snape snarled.

I shook my head in shock as everyone's heads turned to watch my cheeks grow a deep crimson. I was never a particularly shy person and I always loved causing havoc but I found myself jumble over my words when I was picked on in class.

I stuttered, trying to form a sentence "S-Sorry sir, I wasn't distracted" that was of course a lie and I knew Snape saw right through it.

"Oh is that so y/ln, because it seems you were staring at a certain Mr.Weasley over here" Snape remarked - prick.

I cringed as I heard people whisper around the room. But, my mood soon shifted when I saw Ron blush from the other side of the room.

"Sorry sir it won't happen again, promise"

"Oh I know it won't, 5 points deducted from Gryffindor. Hopefully from that you may begin to pay attention" he said and turned around beginning to teach once again.

I groaned and laid my head in my hands, wishing someone would just avada kadavra me right then and there.

・゚:* end of flashback *:・゚

I was quickly brought back to reality when my mother waved her hand in front of my face.

"y/n/l/n! We have 20 minutes to leave and you are half way through packing!" she shouted.

I groan at my mothers yelling and begin to throw my whole wardrobe into my case, not caring if the clothes were ugly or not.

・゚:* time skip - platform 9 ¾ *:・゚

As I give my goodbyes and hugs to my parents I spot a certain red headed family and smile. I say one last goodbye to my weeping parents and remind them for the fifth time that I would be back in a couple of weeks - this is like talking to a brick wall however.

As I finally release myself from the clutch of my mother I run over to my best friend and latch onto his back. He jumps in shock as I begin to laugh.

"Ronnie" I shout, earning me a laugh from the twins. I notice Ron's slight annoyance as I slid off his back. This however only made me want to further pester him.

"Bloody hell y/n! Hello to you too" he laughs and pulls me into a tight embrace. I take in a deep breath of his jumper and blush as I smell cinnamon and spearmint - funny enough two of my favourite scents, I promise there is no link there.

I pried from his grasp and pull the strands that were once behind my ear in front of my face - hoping that it would somewhat cover my bright red cheeks. Although, it was to no use as he reached up to my face and tucked them back into place. Though our, or my, special moment was interrupted when Mrs.Weasley yelled to her children.

"Come on children the train is leaving any minute now, no time for romance" she winked at me from across the crowd of wizards, I smiled, realising that news travels quick in the Weasley household - especially when the twins had knowledge of my crush.

I grabbed onto Ron's sleeve after seeing that I, unlike Ron, had heard his mother. We ran towards the train and jumped in. Out of breath we go to find the compartment Hermione and Harry sat inside. As we reach the last compartment we spot a raven haired boy and I instantly feel a warmth spread over my waist.

"Y/n! Oh my goodness I've missed you so much!" Hermione shouted as I reciprocated her hug. It was nice to have someone hug you once in a while seeing as the boys weren't the touchiest.

"Hey 'mione! Hey Harry!" I yelped in excitement after not seeing them for what felt like years.

"Hi y/n" Harry said as I forced him into a hug, he seemed off about something and I understood why. He-who-shall-not-be-named was said to be closer than expected and Harry especially was the biggest target.

We talked about our summer for a while before 'mione pulled out her book and Harry drifted off into his own world. I stared out of the window and appreciated the trees outside that were in what I like to call the awkward stage. In which it wasn't quite autumn but definitely was not summer anymore.

As I was staring out the window of the train I felt a hand brush my shoulder. I turned around to see Ron staring at me, he motioned me closer with his hand and I shuffled near so that he was able to whisper in my ear.

"Hey" he laughed.

"Hello Ronald" I said briskly as I longed to watch the scenery once again..

"Do you want my last chocolate frog?" He questioned as I glared at him.

"Ron Weasley, did you seriously stop my daydreaming just to offer me food?" I whispered trying not to wake up Hermione and Harry who were now napping opposite us.

"Fine then, just trying to be nice" He pouted and opened his chocolate frog, almost a tinge of sadness in his voice. But, before he was able to eat the chocolate I snatched it from his hand and shoved it in my mouth.

He looked at me with a pained expression as I sat there with a toothy smile - displaying the chocolate I stole from him. He grimaced at the view and shook his head disapprovingly. I laughed at his ridiculousness as he slid his hand into my bag and stole the book I was planning to read. He ran out of the compartment and hoped I would play cat and mouse with him.

He was correct.

just to clear up some confusion
y/n - your name
y/nn - your nickname
y/ln - your last name
y/hc - your hair colour
y/ec - your eye colour

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