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Through the night my phone continued blowing up with calls, and between Kentrells heavy sleeping and light snoring he hadn't woken up once

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Through the night my phone continued blowing up with calls, and between Kentrells heavy sleeping and light snoring he hadn't woken up once.

On the other hand I couldn't stop waking up, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand checking to see who was blowing my phone up. It was a mixture between three people, Taya, Amara, and a random number but the calls from the unknown one were constant. The moment I went to click on Taya's missed call the unknown number called me again, I looked over at Kentrell sleeping soundly and got up out of the bed to grab a robe and go downstairs answering it. I made myself coffee while waiting on who ever it was to say something.

"Hello?" I said.

"This is Brandi White I'm correct?" The voice was feminine and they didn't sound happy in the slightest.

"Yes, you are who is—"

"Bitch don't who is this me, this is the bitch that's you're gonna catch a fade from the moment I catch you." I immediately jocked my head back, the 'Trellaffect" must have popped off in me because I was quick to respond setting his mug down on the counter. "First of all who are you? I wont be catching a fade from—" She spoke over me, I could admit she was quicker at the mouth then me and from her voice I didn't want that much of a problem with her, "Bitch you know who I am," I looked out the window, "And dont." "Just know I'm your worst motherfuckin' nightmare, you fucked my boyfriend with your little nasty ass and Ill be damned if you think you're about to walk around here with his baby. That's why when I catch you I'm beatin' the baby outta yo ass and that little rapper you fuck with can catch a fade too bitch I got people."

So it hit me, she was the woman who's boyfriend decided to assault me. I shook my head looking at the phone, "You have it all wrong, your boyfriend raped me...He didn't have my consent I didn't want to have sex with him—"

"That's not what he told me, you think I'm dumb enough to listen to some bitch who can't even keep up with who got her pregnant?"

At this point she was delusional, "Dont try to play me like Im some hoe, maybe check up with your crazy ass boyfriend and be glad I chose not to press charges. Neither me or Kentrell will be touched, you don't know me and you damn sure don't know his crazy ass. Just know he has people too, send them over." I hung up with that and set the phone down, She ruined the taste in my mouth, I looked at the mug shaking my head and put it back in the cabinet going back upstairs. I looked at Kentrell watching him turn over peaceful as could be, something about her seriousness worried me. She was definitely crazy but she generally seemed like a worried girlfriend who thought her boyfriend was someone different then he really was and ontop of that...I knew she wasn't on any kind of play time with me.

I checked my phone again to see Taya and Amara warning me about her call, they told me she stayed in L.A. near our apartment, I didn't even have the energy to respond so I set my phone down on the nightstand once again. I knew Kentrell would handle it once I told him, so I crawled up in bed curling myself up into him and calmed down feeling him wrap his arms around me.

The next time I woke up it wasn't to a call but instead music playing, it wasn't too loud. I could hear Joe yelling and scoffed because of course they were here when I wanted to have a talk with Kentrell. I got up putting my clothes on instead of a robe since they were over and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, once I finished I grabbed my phone going downstairs to greet everyone. "Oh she woke now huh?" Joe said spraying a water gun at me and I flinched covering myself, "Boy what the hell! Yes I'm woke." He continued shooting at Ben and Kd and the two took it outside to finish. The only other friend over was three, I didn't often see his other two friends he brought around.

Kentrell looked over to me and once I saw his phone set up I soon noticed he was on live and tried to turn around the other way.

"Nah cmea," He said smiling and picking his phone up to come chase me down and put me in his camera. He loved showing me off for some reason, "Show em you," he said and I smiled trying to cover my face still reading the comments.

Dontrellszns: She's actually so pretty.
Messymessymessy: Homewrecker.
Luvforybtrell: Bae who is she🥺?
Prettygirlalert: Okay B🥰 .

Some of them made me happy while others made me wanna pounce through the screen and smack somebody, I just continued to read until he tickled me purposely. "Babee— Kentrell!" I yelled trying to get away from him and the both of us laughed while he tried to set the phone up so they could see me get tortured, I tried to pull out the frame but he kept me in it. Finally getting out of his grip I ran trying to catch my breath, "Okay Kentrell seriously, can I talk to you once your off?" "Why you can't just say it hea?" I shook my head, "Its something private."
"Shiddd..." He ended it on spot setting his phone down.

We walked over to the kitchen and I sat myself on the counter.

"So whatchu wanna tell me?"

"Well, I wanted to talk about that 'allegation' from a couple days ago." He got noticeably serious looking to me, "Dont worry it isn't true or anything, it's just that well...The girlfriend reached out to me. She knows about the whole pregnancy and no matter what I told her she was convinced I willingly had sex with him." That made him shrug, Kentrell was so nonchalant half the time, "Do you give a fuck?" I shrugged, "I mean I feel kindave bad, if I thought you'd gone and got another girl pregnant Id be pretty updet too. But Im more worried that she mentioned she 'has people for us' I dont know...She just seems kindave— crazy."

Things like that didn't worry him, it gave me less reason to worry aswell. "Well you seem like you'a beat somebody ass the way you was ready to jump through that window. She know who I am, and if she know I got people too tell that bitch I say to send em over." I couldn't stop the smile on my face from spreading, "You're literally the most violent person Ive ever met." "You like it," I smiled.

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