Shattered Hearts (Y/N) possible TW

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Same as last time with Judith's age (I forgot to mention it's like the season 7 age as always, as if Negan wasn't there as always)

I also feel as if Carl would be stronger at hiding emotions, which is why in the last one, Y/N struggled to say goodbye properly.

You woke up and felt sort of a hungover, dizzy feeling. You weren't fully out though. Every time you woke up, you'd fall asleep soon enough.

Your eyes were fluttering slowly, almost as if they were shut, as you felt someone put there hand in yours, it was Carl. "Hey, Y/N, you awake?" he quietly spoke, making sure if you were asleep that he wouldn't wake you up. His voice was gentle and reassuring. Made you feel as if you weren't on your death bed, literally.

You smiled back in response, your mouth was too floppy and relaxed to open, let alone make a sound. He shot a weak smile back. He was so controlled of his emotions most of the time that you felt as if you weren't doing anything in return of his emotional support to you. But, you'd seen him cry, he trusted you, he felt safe with you.

He sighed, "I'm not letting you die, I refuse to pull the trigger-"

You hadn't yet told him, but you weren't planning on making someone else do it. But before you could say anything, he finished his sentence. "And neither are you, please.."

Judith walked through the door with a worried look on her face. She was hesitating to speak but then sat down by your side, "hey Y/N.. it's been a while since t-th-the bite. Are you feeling ok?"

"I'm ok right now, I'm ready though, if it's time," you replied, a tear rolling down your cheek. Carl wiped it away. It was freezing and his hand warmed up your cheeks.

Judith was breathing deep breaths, clearly unprepared and sad, "please don't go."

"Aw Judith, please don't cry," you hugged her, "I have a little longer, I'm sure we could do something fun, like a comic b-"

But you were cut off by Rick and Michonne, holding a pistol with a silencer on it. They were looking at the ground, and your tears had began to stream down.

Carl Grimes x Reader imagines and one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now