Saving Faith 92

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"That isn't me Emperor Garmadon!" Harumi shouted and she pointed at Mystake

Mystake, then said, "Arrest Her!"

"Let her speak." Garmadon said

"That is Mystake. The shape-shifting Oni I was telling you about. She tried to get the Master of Amber close enough to touch you, so that the resistance could turn your power against us. And Mistu the master of Crystal is no doubt around as well.

Skylor easily slipped out of her bonds, but Ultra Violet slammed her hand on her back and pulled out a Ninja Sias.

Mystake then ran forward to help but was caught by Killow who picked her up in one hand she screamed and kicked, although her scream still sound like that of Harumi.

Mistu felt like someone had grabbed her by the throat and she was wrenched from her hiding spot and slammed to the ground in front of Garmadon. She struggled to breath and tried to stand but she couldn't Garmadon was restraining her using his power.

"Well done, Harumi it's good to have you back, my child." Garmadon said

"The pleasure was all mine, father." Harumi said

Skylor shoved Ultra violet off her for a brief second and stood and said, "He's not your father. His son is Lloyd!" she cried out when Ultra Violet again slammed her to her knees.

"I thought I smelled an Oni. Looks like your plan backfired." Garmadon said and he walked forward toward Mystake and Mistu was jerked off the ground and hovered beside Garmadon. She kicked her feet.

"The Only thing that backfired, is you turning against your father's Realm. Ninjago is a place of light, and you are a source of shadow." Mystake answered in her own voice although she still looked like Harumi.

"you know everything will turn to darkness." Garmadon said

"The future is not in your hands." Mystake answered

"Show me Oni, your real face or are you worried what your friends might think of you, demon." Garmadon shouted

Mistu's vision was beginning to blur and her struggling became weaker.

"Maybe I'll show you..." Mystake said

and then she began to screamed and raise into the air only to fall back to the ground covered in smoke and as she began to stand said, "but only for you to see what a full-blooded Oni can do!"

And she charged Garmadon like and bull and he slammed into his throne. Mistu was released and she fell to the ground gasping for breath Harumi grabbed her and tried to pin her but she was able to kick her off. Just as Skylor also freed herself from Ultra Violet.

Harumi tried to take on Mystake but was defeated and she shouted to Killow who grabbed Skylor before she could reach Garmadon

Skylor with Mistu's help was able to kick off Killow but as tackled by Harumi and then Killow and Ultra Violet, Mistu was trying to punch Harumi off Skylor when all of a sudden smoke surround them. Mystake inside the smoke pretended to be Skylor and was hit but Garmadon's magic but the real Skylor was able to touch Garmadon and said, "got you." and then ran she grabbed Mistu who had just flung Ultra Violet backward, and ran.

"Go! Skylor take Mistu and get out of here" Mystake shouted

"We can't leave her!" Mistu shouted as Skylor dragged her toward the stair well but they had to turn back and soon they were at the edge of the building. "It's over there's no where to go." Harumi said

Skylor smiled and grabbed Mistu's hand knowing she wouldn't leave otherwise and pulled her with her as they fell backward off the building they landed on a blimp and were safe.

They soon were able to jump to a roof top and ran down the stairwell and then heard about Mystake's fate...

"Oh, no." Skylor said and she looked up at the building and then both her and Mistu ran, Mistu was quiet, she couldn't believe Mystake was gone...

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