Chapter 1.

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"Damn it!" I semi yelled as I ran my fingers through my brunette hair. Who knew working in an expresso shop would be so difficult. "Shit!" I cursed loudly while flashing my fingers. Not bothering to care that the café was filled with customers. I literally just spilt hot coffee on myself. Who remembers to remain professional when they get burnt by hot coffee? Exactly.

"How is it that you manage to fail the same exact tasks over and over again? I mean, who works in a coffee shop and can't serve coffee?" The customer whose coffee I spilt argued.

"Well, if you had a coffee machine at home I wouldn't have to be serving you coffee now would I?" I retorted sarcastically while looking at the old man before me. He's the most stick - in- the- mud person I know. He's here everyday with the same grumpy old attitude and if it wasn't very clear from before Mr. Mitchell, the customer whose coffee I spilt and I do not get along.

"Here you go Mr. Mitchell it's on the house." my co-worker Jessica says as she hands the old man a cup of coffee and 5 bucks. "Oh it better be!" He says angrily before grabbing both the cup of coffee and the $5 he gave me from before back out of Jessica's hand.

"I'm going to be late for my class I'll see you later." I said annoyed before grabbing my stuff and walking out the small vintage coffee shop. The harsh wind immediately hit my tender skin the second I was fully outside the door. Which caused me to hug myself tightly as I began taking long strides.

"Ms. Taylor you're late." My professor stated. "Again and you missed your finals which means you've failed my class for the 4th time today. I'm thinking about getting you a gift for breaking your own record." Mrs. Bullock continued with sarcasm dripping from her words causing the entire class to burst out laughing. "Well in that case I like alcohol and weed." I said while smirking and winking at her before taking my seat at the back of the class.

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