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"You've got to be kidding me!" I yelled. I was currently seated in the dean's office with my coach and Mrs. Bullock. "I'm afraid not Jade, you knew the rules and we warned you this would happen if you failed anymore of your classes. I'm afraid you're off the basketball team." The dean explained. "Shit!" I shouted before kicking my book bag that was at the feet of my chair and sinking in my seat.

I swear I could see a small smirk on Mrs. Bullock's face. As she witnessed everything unfold the playoffs were in a week and now I was off the team.

Great, just great.

My life is a hot mess.

"Jade? Are you hearing me?" Ms. Dallas the dean asked while staring at my blank face and shaking her head. I couldn't help but to use this moment to examine her features. She was very young if I was being honest and it was also rumored that she had a fling with one of the students from campus. However, there was no actual evidence to prove it so there was never any disciplinary action against her. I personally thought it was due to pretty privileged, you know that's a thing right ? And Ms. Dallas was a very beautiful woman. I'm telling you, if I had half of her beauty I'd have the entire population doing Simon say, only I'd be Simon. Get it? No? Oh okay. Back to the story, she was petite but also thick in the right areas, she had really sharp and pointed nose. Which complimented her face exceptionally, her hair was jet black and silky with a middle part. Which also complimented her face, she was fairly light skin and her eyes ? Oh her eyes were magical she could make a nun sin with those eyes. They were greyish - brownish but they were always hidden beneath her geeky glasses. She wore a blue dress that hugged her curves in place with a white blazer and to top it off. She had on a pair of Swede black red bottoms heels and her lips were coated with a shade of lip stick that was red as blood.

All in all, Ms. Dallas was that girl.

"Jade, I'm afraid this'll also be your last week with us as you've failed to maintain your scholarship." Ms. Dallas said in a monotone as she swiftly typed something on her computer with her freshly manicured nails.

Yep, she was that girl.

"What! You're joking." I stated as I shot up in my chair.

You know the feeling when you suddenly feel like your world was collapsing and there's absolutely nothing you could do about it ? Well this was one of those moments, just how worse could my day get ? What exactly am I supposed to do once I loose my scholarship ? A thousand thoughts swirled in my naïve little head all of which started and ended with me pleading with my dear life for a second chance. I wasn't going to voice those thoughts though, if they wanted me out of their school I'd leave. It's not like my future was based entirely around the course which I failed numerous times. Right ? Screw this, who am I kidding it was, it truly was, and I messed everything up. This seems like a perfect time for a natural disaster to strike; famine, world war, epidemic or a pandemic even. Something that would surpass me blowing my future up, anything. Maybe I could just move to a foreign country? Right, I had no money. Oh wait, I could get a job so I could save enough money to leave ? No your totally right, cause why would I need to leave for a foreign country if I had a job? And won't I need a degree before I'm even hired ? Ughhh my head hurts.

"I'm afraid not Jade, now if you three could excuse me I have a meeting to attend." Ms. Dallas said nonchalantly as she held her office door in her hand waiting for us to leave. I slowly grabbed my book bag and walked out into the crowded hallway. My mind was completely consumed by the events from mere seconds ago. Here I was in my 1st year of college as a business major and a ball player. The first person in my family to ever attend college and the first to get kicked out.

"Hey Jade I got something for you."

Liam said knocking me out of my train of thoughts. I quickly looked to my side at the blue eyed devil leaning against the janitor's closet.

They were right you know ? college does challenges your innocence. I mean, If someone had told me 5 years ago that I'd be sleeping with my foster sister's boyfriend. And that I'd be a drug addict, I'd laugh in their faces. But yet, HERE I WAS. A drug addict at 19 and sleeping with my foster sister's boyfriend. Oh and to top things off, this was apparently my final week in college before they suspend my scholarship. Most people would see this as a need for a drastic change. But not me I just see this as a need for a quick fix.

I smiled seductively at him before pushing him inside the janitor's closet. I quickly dropped my book bag as I was kissed roughly. I immediately threw my hands around his neck bringing him down to my level without breaking the kiss. "Please tell me you have protection." I said between the kiss. But the little devil ignored me as he picked me up against the wall and started trailing kisses along my neck. "Liiiaaamm." I moaned as I allowed my body to melt into his kisses. "No protection no fix you know the deal." I said hesitantly before reluctantly pushing him away in hopes of catching my breath. I quickly pulled my shirt down and pulled my pants up before I looked at him.

His soft lips were red and swollen from us making out and his light blonde hair that stopped a little below his shoulders. Was tousled all over his head from my fingers roaming in it. His shirt was also missing which made his toned torso visible. It didn't help that his v line was also showing. I couldn't help but quiver under his hard stare as he looked at me hungrily while his eyes roamed my body. He stood about 6'7 which made him tower over my small frame easily. I watched him intensely as he watched me until I saw him making his way towards me.

Kinda like the way a lion walks towards it's prey. Eyes low, slow yet cocky strides as if to taunt me. He was coming for the kill and I stood in place as I anticipated it.

Liam Andrews, ladies and gentlemen. The cocky bastard who can get any girl on or off campus by the wink of an eye. The star quarterback for our school's football team. My foster sister's boyfriend and last but not least the guy I'm sleeping with.

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