Chapter 6

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~Last Chapter~
"Orange Steve, Leader, I have spilled to much info. Go to the library and have the librarian help you with info on his past. He was to afraid to tell, he thought you would turn on him because he had a rough past. I shall go now, goodbye~" Nightmare Steve says after ending his and Sabres suffering, but letting Sabre say his last words to his friends.

{Sabre's perspective}

"Thank you, Nightmare. Thank you." I say with sadness and gratefulness in my voice.

"And thank you, Orange Steve, Leader. For everything. Just remember. I was here for the greater good. No one took over me. My time here with the Steves was just ending. Thats all. Goodbye, friends"
I say with a tear rolling down my cheek.


Short but sad.
Only because last chapter was longer than usual.
Also cant forget the word count!
Words: 148

*VERY OLD* A World Can Be Corrupted {A Rainbow Quest AU}Where stories live. Discover now