Chapter 2: Through All the Toughest Times In Life

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A/N: When this book 'ends' would you like me to write a part that's basically if the other Deku won? Tell me, please. Now then, A NEW CHAPTER IS HERE!!!

  [Deku POV]

  I look myself over. 'It's just like in that dream!' "I-Izuku?" I hear the worried voice of my mother ask, tearfully. So, I trun to her. "Mom!" I try to say. But nothing came out. I put my bony hand over to where my mouth would be, if I had a lower jaw. 'How do I speak?' However, instead of trying to figure it out, I get out of my hospital bed, walk over to Mom, and hug her. I feel her tears on my clothes. "Izuku!!" she cried, "I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!!" 'It's not your fault. I'll find a way to tell you that.'

  Later, we went to a doctor to diagnose my quirk. "Firstly, this quirk is an odd one," The doctor said. The same one who told me I was quirkless. "It allows him to be immortal, as well as have a pyrokinesis over the flames from his soul. He can also summon any items stored in his soul, as well as having a strong form of telekinesis, like a ghost. He may be ableto turn invisible, as well. What his quirk actually is, is kind of confusing. His quirk is Two Soul. He started life with a normal human soul. However, if he was to die, which he did, his first soul would go to the afterlife, and his second soul, an immortal soul, would take a front seat. He may be able to transform back to how he used to look like, but we're not sure. But, he'll eventually learn how to speak again. I'll give you a form making him exempt from studies for however long it takes him to learn how to speak. You can have him write out what he wants to say, for the time being," the doctor informed us. 'So I'm immortal?' "S-So, is there anything we should do to help him learn to speak?" Mom asks. "Well, I'd reccommend doing activities, and picking up hobbies. He's the right age (remember what I said last chapter), so maybe he could take the driver's test. Keep him busy, and he'll pick up how to speak." We thanked him for his time, and left.

  That night, before I went to bed, Mom walked up to me. "I-I'm so sorry," she cried. I wrote on a peice of paper, "It's not your fault." "Y-Yes it is! M-Maybe if I had been more supportive, y-you wouldn't have jumped!" "I didn't jump," I write, "I tripped. You've always been with me. Through all the toughest times in life. Thank you." She cried harder, hugging me. I pat her on the back. After a couple minutes, I head to bed.

  Over the course of a week a lot happened. The first thing I picked up was cooking. Starting off simple, with eggs. After a couple of days, I had gotten pretty good at cooking. I don't need to eat, but I still can do it, and I like to eat. Same goes for sleep. My body no longer needs it, but I still like it. On Wednesday, I took my driver's ed test. Aced it. Mom was so happy, she flooded the apartment with her tears. If I had to breathe, I probably would've drowned. I opened a window before she would've drowned. The next day, I finally learned how to use my telekinesis. I was going to write to ask Mom if she could pass me some garlic, but instead, The garlic flew to me. I had an almost effective-immediate control over my flames. I also got into gardening and music production over the week.

  Finally, on Saturday, it happend. I woke up from a 2 hour nap, and decided to go shopping. I walk into the living room, to ask Mom if there was anything she needed while I was out. "M..... Mom?" She turned to me. Then, it hit me. I spoke. "Mom! Mom! Mom Mom Mom!" I was so excited! I could finally speak again! "Oh my baby!!!!!" She cried, hugging me.

  When I got back home, I put all the groceries in the fridge, or wherever they belonged, and headed into mt room. I realized I still had All Might shit everywhere. Oh how I hate that man. Refusing to save me over some time limit. What absolute bullshit. I set my hand aflame, and slammed my fist onto the wall. My whole room was engulfed in green flames. "Izuku! What are you doing!?" Mom screamed, and I finished my room's transformation, the green flames going out. It was transformed, the All Might posters and bedsheets being replaced with the black and lime pattern on my truck, which I just realised she doesn't know about. The All Might action figures were replaced with figures of skeletons and of my ghosts. I figured out early on that they were representations of my emotions before I died. The initial one that met me was my curiosity. They were pretty nice. Next came my anger and caos. They were... not nice to strangers. Trying to eat hats, scratch bags and clothing, at one point, attempting to take a lolipop from a baby. Finally, my sadness. They are extremely nice, but I can feel the awful mood around them.

  "W-Why?" Mom asked, "I-I thought you loved All Might?" "All Might...... I hate that man." "Why?" "He.... he didn't save m-" "How could he? It's not like he was the-" "He was there. And he could've saved me. But he didn't.

     He let me die."

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