Female Mate Personality

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Now i'm going to ask you what your least favorite cat out of these options

Mapleshade.  If someone wrongs you,  you will forgive them but you will never forget them

Hollyleaf.  Sometimes unsure weather what you are doing is right or if it is wrong

Scourge.  never really wants to take the lead and likes to stay in the back of everything where people can forget they are there but if you are her friend then she will always be loyal to you no mater what

Tigerclaw/Tigerstar.   You don't mind if someone asks you to take the lead but you never really ask for it

Brokenstar.   you always have a plan no matter what even when things go bad 

Tawnypelt.   if something bad happens you don't want to go on and give up trying

Yellowfang.  most people think you are sweet kind and gentle but really you aren't quite that nice to everyone

Hawkfrost.   you are most likely to fallow in you folks foot steps and are good at keeping it secret

Bramblestars Imposter.   you start out wanting to do something bad but when you do it you get bored with it easily and soon don't know what to do with yourself

Bone.  no cat can doubt your loyalty to your clan leader but you mostly value people of their strength

I think none of these cats are evil.   You can always see thee good in any cat no matter how evil they are and you never stop trying to help them

I think all of these cats are evil.   you can see the good in cats but mostly the bad in them and warn all your clan just in case it does happen

Crowfeather.  all it takes is for someone to bring the good out in you and then you lighten up a lot 

Longtail.  you have a vary hard time letting people in to your life if they are different from you or your clan members

Sharptooth.   you are just plain evil and kill for no reason

Cinderpelt.   you might not be able to be a warrior but you won't let that stop you from becoming someone great and loved by everyone

Ashfur.   you are easily made mad and don't take it lightly when someone stole the love of your life ( but then again who would I mean I wouldn't )

Squirrelflight.   you aren't very independent and never have a hard time telling your feelings to someone

Rootspring.  you might have have been foolish once but someone showed the way to be a good warrior one day even if you still get distracted once and a while

Bristlefrost.   you always have something to look forward to and that is what keeps you going all day for as long as you have to but as soon as that thing is lost you are always down until someone shows you that there are other options in the world 

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