Chapter 1

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"Val" My mom said.  MOM!! Don't call me Val find a different nickname you know that's what the stupid Aaron Called me. Ok then how about Valentine. Fine with me. I shouldn't have said that now my mom won't leave me alone and she keeps calling "Valentine oh Valentine" Ughh.

        "Hey Valentine" My mom was calling me again. "Yes mom" "Come help me with the boxes". I knew I couldn't bring any attitude because one of my parents is african and one is Hispanic and that's just not good for me at all. I quickly put a smile on my face "Yes mom". WHY did we have to move. I was perfectly fine in California and now we're here in Missouri. After I finished helping my mom and dad with the boxes I started to set up the room where my small business was basically operated or I guess all the stuff was made and where I make advertisement. When we were partly finished with the house we went outside a little.


         Our neighborhood was for rich family's rich but of course I hate it. I get treated differently when people find out. But one perk of being rich is I can help my friends family. Ok well maybe I might've made my best friend's come to Missouri with me. They obviously brought their family so now they live across from us and across and some other places in the neighborhood because it's a lot of people. I also don't know anyone here except Both my grand parents from  both my mom's and dads side.

     I'm really glad we moved because I caught my Ex-bestfriend, A real back stabbing bitch and my Ex-Boyfriend Kissing!! Which kinda surprised me but I swore off boys completely. I will never fall in love again. I really kinda wish-  HEY UGLY ASS BITCH FOCUS ON ME. And there's the devil aka my calmest bestie (surprisingly) Marie. Atleast the twins and Sophia aren't here. Right on queue they walked in.

     "Hey did someone call my name? Or ours? The twins and Sophia said. COME ON y'all should go he- Relax we finished now you don't have to worry I'm sorry I'm obviously going to worry. Like think what would be worse the having The devil (Marie), The crazy bitch (Sophia), and the Ridiculously good at the partner in crime stuff (the twins). "Oh please You know you love us" said Sophia. "Or maybe it's your craziness that thinks that" I said. I'm deeply hurt Valentine I- I-. Ok we get it Sophia your a good actor said Marie. "Thanks for realizing it unlike some other people" Sophia said looking me straight in the eyes. Aye Sophia I didn't say anyth-," Shut up" Sophia said, Shut up does- I started, "If you even say it I will strangle you in your  sleep". Sophia your not even gonna be here tonight so how would you strangle me. Sophia smirked " It's simple... we're staying over" No I said I can't let you do that.

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