Genres: Action, Comedy, School, Adventure
Episodes: 2 seasons or 47 episodes
Dub and Sub
Status: Completed
This series also has a movie Assassination Classroom: 365 days time
Which takes place after the seriesand a kind of a comedy series Koro sensei Quest this story doesn't take place in any time frame it's just a adaption of the show but made to be funny. The series has 12 episodes.
Description: Middle school students must kill an octopus-like alien who portrays a teacher. Otherwise, he'll destroy the Earth once the school year is over.
Rating: 10/10
I really like this anime. It has some comedy relief and the students go threw some relatable things like school and being looked down on.
Maine characters (last name to first):
Shiota Nagisa is the main main character if you get what I mean and he is a boyAkabane Karma is the devil main characters best friend
Kayano Keade is the girl who is a friend I really don't know what else to say without spoiling
Koro-sensei as you can guess is the alien teacher they have to kill. Despite not being human he may be the best teacher in the world
My Anime List
No FicciónI don't really know I'm just writing down anime I've seen and the descriptions incase anyone wants to watch them.