Finding evidence and Izuku's condition

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Bakugou is looking around Izuku's dorm to find his notebooks. The notebooks contained more information about each hero than the files, meaning he did not need to steal the files if he had worked with the villains. He did not think of this until last week and had searched for it for days but it was well hidden. With the teachers, they were looking through the security footage on all they can in all angles to find some sort of clue that it was not Izuku who stole the files. They thought of this since the very beginning but could not get access to the security cameras for weeks. Soon enough, both found what they were looking for. Bakugou found the notebooks and the teachers found evidence in the security camera to prove that Izuku was not the traitor. They presented the evidence to Principle Nezu and he immediately got to work on getting Izuku out of prison. This, of course, requires lots of paperwork but he was willing to deal with them to get his student back.

Back in Tartarus

Izuku is seen in the infirmary, his eye had been patched and stopped bleeding, along with the knife out of the socket. However, it left a permanent scar on his face and his left eye will no longer function. Around him are the guards to his cell, AFO, Stain, and Overhaul, all looking at him with guilt. The guards because they should have stayed by his side or at least in the cafeteria close to him. The villains because they feel as if they let this happen, they shouldn't have taken their time getting food, even though Izuku insisted that they do. The doctor came into the room, everyone;'s attention turned to him.

"Is he gonna be okay, doctor?" Asked AFO. He was the most worried since he might lose his son.

"He is gonna be fine, other than he would have a scar over his left eye socket and the fact that his left eye will never work again, he will live." said the doctor. Everyone in the room was relieved, Izuku will live and he will be fine.

"However, he will be in a coma but we do not know for how long. It might be a few hours or weeks, we will just have to wait and see." said the doctor. This disheartened them but they knew they cannot do anything about it. AFO's quirk is canceled, so he cannot do much for his son. Everyone else's quirks were also useless (except to Overhaul but he does not have his hands anymore, so he is pretty much useless as well). Now all they have to do is wait till Izuku is up again. However, something is happening to Izuku that no one will expect.

Meanwhile, in Izuku's mind

Izuku is now in a different place than before, blossom trees all around him and the old man in front of him. The old man spoke before Izuku could.

"Son, always remember: dying is gay." said the old man. This confused Izuku gre......

JUST KIDDING XD Did yall get the reference??

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