After Story One

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Just because I still don't want to let go of Chae Song Ah and Park Joonyoung.


Piano Trio performance of Joonyoung, Hyeonho, and Junkyung has ended successfully.

If we can point out someone to be the happiest for the successful event, then it should be directed to Songah.

The Piano Trio performance was her proposed idea she submitted to Kyeongho for her internship last year.

And actually, Songah was ready to give up on that performance to become true as Joonyoung, Hyeonho, and Junkyung's friendship deteriorated last year.

Yet, she realized that destiny has its own plans.

Joonyoung, Hyeonho, and Jungkyung's friendship has gradually got better after their trio performance last year, although they have their separated ways in their careers.

Tonight, when watching their Piano Trio, she feels like going back to the moment she told Joonyoung about her chamber program, at the airport, last year.

"Brahms, Schumann, and Clara,"

"Is the theme "unattainable love"?"

"No, it is the "friendship between three people"."

She feels relieved to see them playing together tonight, not only because it is her proposed program, but also because she can see their healed friendship.

"Songah-ssi, let's go back to the office,"

Youngin sees Songah staring blankly into the stage after the performance ended.

"Oh, yes, but could I go to the rehearsal room, first?"

"Joonyoung told me he is waiting for you in the meeting room,"

"Ah, OK, but still I have to go there first, to bid farewell to Hyeonho and Junkyung,"

"Well, don't take too long. We are going to have a brief meeting before ending the day,"


She smiles at Youngin, and excuses herself to go to the rehearsal room.


Knock, knock.


Songah hears Hyeonho's voice inside, signalling that she can get in.


"Oh, Songah-ssi, what is going on?"

Hyeonho is getting ready to leave the room.

"Oh, nothing, I, I just want to..."

She hesitates to say something to him.

"Yes? Saying what?"

"Thank you, thank you for coming back and joining Joonyoung and Junkyung for the piano trio performance tonight,"

Hyeonho lets out little laugh.

"What? You don't have to thank me nervously like that. And, I am the one who should thank you for managing the event very well. Youngin noona must be proud of you, and also Joonyoung."

Hyeonho doesn't forget to tease her little.

Songah is laughing shyly at him mentioning Joonyoung.

Although it is quite rare for them to meet, both Hyeonho and Songah are not that awkward once they have started to chit-chat like this.

It feels like Songah has gotten a new friend, and so does Hyeonho.

PROPOSAL : Songah X JoonyoungWhere stories live. Discover now