After Story Three

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It has been a week after the piano trio performance.

Fortunately, Joonyoung has got month off before continuing another tour in Germany.

But, not with Songah, the girl continues to be busy with work, leaving her boyfriend all alone, except during her lunch break, and dinner time.

As Joonyoung wants to spend his days more with Songah, he decides to ask her to moving in temporarily with him, to his apartment.

Yet, it was not as easy as Joonyoung thought.

That day, he visits her house, to meet her parents.

"What?? Moving in??"

Her mother is taken aback the moment Songah bringing up about that topic.

In front of her parents who are sitting on the couch, there Joonyoung and Songah are sitting on the floor nervously.

Hearing her mother's rage, both Joonyoung and Songah are looking at each other, signaling who is the one going to answer her mother's question.

Songah is glaring at Joonyoung, blaming him silently that it is all due to his challenging idea to her parents.

Joonyoung becomes speechless.

He thought it was going to be easy to get her parents' approval, as her parents have known their relationship candidly since the beginning.

Her mother was even the one who had implicitly convinced Songah to accept Joonyoung back.

And, of course, he understands her parents' concern, but the boy does not give in easily.

Joonyoung is staring back at Songah.

And with a composed face, he tries to convince her that his plan is going to be successful.

"Abeo-nim, eomeo-nim, I am sorry for my sudden visit, and I am really sorry because I have dared to ask your permission, to let Songah moving in with me. I know, and I fully understand your concern, but, Songah and I have spent too much time separately because of me. It is my fault for failing to give her my whole time, so I want to make it up, for her. I promise you both, that we won't cross the line,"

He explains long, to her parents, restlessly.

Songah is touched listening to his explanation.

She knows long distance relationship is not an easy feat, for both of them.

If she wanted to be selfish, she wouldn't let Joonyoung to be separated from her miles away.

Yet, life does not function that way.

She does not want to hinder Joonyoung's career, and his dream, to play his music, freely and happily.

And she also knows that Joonyoung supports her career fully, that is why he never asks her to come with him, whenever he has overseas tour.

They both know how to respect their decisions, their careers, and their dreams; although the consequence is they are forced to be in long-distance relationship.

Her tears slowly are falling down to her beautiful cheeks.

"Chae Songah, it is not the time to be crying,"

Her mother notices her daughter being emotional at the moment.


She wipes her tears away.

Songah's father, who has just listened to them arguing, mediates the conversation.

"Songah's mom, let them be,"

PROPOSAL : Songah X JoonyoungWhere stories live. Discover now