After Story Five

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Songah is almost choked up the moment Joonyoung mentioned about "children".

"W-what, what did you say?"

She asks him in stutter, eyes widened.

Joonyoung shamelessly is staring back at Songah.

"I said how many children do you want us to have?"

She gives him no answer, avoiding his stare.

This is too embarrassing, she thinks.

It is not like she does not want to take their relationship one step ahead.

She certainly wants to build a family with him.

But, his question is too sudden for her to digest.

Joonyoung belatedly notices what he has said might cross the line.

He can see the hesitation read all over her face.

"Let's not talk about it. I am going to sleep first, Songah-ssi,"

Joonyoung gets up, without looking back to her, leaving her dumbfounded alone.

"Is he mad?"

She asks herself.


She calls his name.

No answer.

Joonyoung keeps preparing the bed, ignoring her.

Songah gets up, and speedily, holds his arm, wanting to get his attention.

"Look at me,"

She says.

It is Joonyoung's turn to feel embarrassed.

He is trying to avoid her gaze.

"I said, look at me,"

She insists.

He gives in, and,

"I haven't answered your question, why were you leaving me, huh?"

She calmly asks him.

"Songah-ssi, I-I am sorry. I think I have crossed the line by asking you that question,"

She smiles, warmly.

"No, you didn't. I had never expected you to ask me about that. That is why I was hesitated, didn't know how to answer your question. It was not because you offended me or sort of things like that. No, you didn't."

He can only gaze at her, in admiration.

"So many things happened at once today, I feel like on a roller-coaster ride,"

She says, giving him little laugh, trying to break the ice.

He takes her right hand, the place where he put their couple ring.


He says, followed by a pregnant pause.

"Songah-ssi, this ring looks the prettiest on you,"

"I know,"

She says, cheekily.

His eyes are still looking fixedly on her ring.

"Stop staring,"

She is punching him on the arm, lightly.

He is chuckled.

PROPOSAL : Songah X JoonyoungWhere stories live. Discover now