6: The Old Days

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Before, Furroko was in peace. There were only 2 tribes at that time, the Humans and Monsters. Apparitions roamed around without being seen but some became servants to the Monsters, since they are the only creatures who want servants. They frequently held celebrations and had fun together, that was called by many as 'The Great Feast'...But something changed the lives of every creature forever. One day, when they had The Great Feast, one of the humans stumbled into Monster territory and saw something that traumatized him, making him fear his fellow Monsters. What was that he saw? A Monster. eating a human ravenously, surrounded by his fellow humans. Bloody, open guts and limbs everywhere, the human went back to his tribe and waited after the party ended, he told his fellow humans what he saw, but they didn't believe him. So, whenever they had a celebration, he led them to that very place, each time, there was a monster eating a human. Time and time, he brings small groups to show them, spreading the message, but this one time, they had made the biggest mistake...When he showed a small group of people the secret, they made too much noise, causing the monster to look behind him and hunt them down with no hesitation, they were hunted down until they reached the celebration and the first person who found out, was caught and eaten in the middle of everyone. The humans went home, locking themselves so they won't end up like him. A human soul had the bravery to fight against the Monsters, he convinced people to join him to freedom, to help fight the Monsters. They announced a war against them and it was truly ended in bloodshed, but the Humans stood victorious, outnumbering the monsters and having the agreement, to forbid them from ever coming cross their territory, and the Monsters agreed. This celebration they call before as 'The Great Feast', is now' The Great War' as a reminder of Furroko's darkest time in history.

"Today is the day we give our power to the next generation of leaders." Florence said, removing the Crystallite from his chest.

"If we are to do so, we need to make sure that the next generation are figures of true leadership." Zion said, removing his Crystallite.

"What will be our basis on choosing our next generation?" Owen asked, removing his Crystallite.

"I say we first talk about what kind of leaders we see fit, then we look into the records of all creatures in our territory, and see who are fit our criteria." Adrien said, removing his Crystallite crown.

They all nodded and removed the Crystallite from their crowns, causing the gems to float on their hands. They placed their Crystallites on a glass box, made for sealing these gems so they'll be safe. A few days have pass, and they now have their basis for choosing their successors. The list goes as follows:

Leaders of the Next Generation:

These people are called 'Successors'. They are going to be next in line for having the power to rule Furroko alongside other species as one.

A True Leader must have the following as per written in Furroko's records:

They must be able to cooperate with the other leaders they are with. Furroko may be a land of division, but it's important to always have the willingness to help other species.

They must be experienced in terms of combat and strategy, in case the Wilders declare war this will come in handy.

They must be well-informed on the history of Furroko and other aspects of education.

They must be open-minded to the needs of your territory.

They must not do any kind of oppression or harm to any of their citizens, this will lead to that person to be a Wilder.

Those who are worthy of this position will be the successors of the previous tribe leaders. Successors will be given the Crystallites of the Primordial Crystals on their Recognition Day. You will be guided and trained by the Primordial Crystals to make their potential improve and be able to choose their own successors wisely.

After the day they have made these requirements. It took a few months to choose their successors. Once they have, they were taken to training until they are said to be ready to rule. This has been done for years and is still done today.


Glowing gems that are owned by the rulers of Furroko. These gems were passed from generations of rulers. The Crystallites are kept by the previous rulers until they find their successors.

These gems came from within Monster territory, beyond the caves of Zion. They are first found by The Primordial Crystal of the Monsters and after its discovery that the cave was named after him. Before, it was only one Crystallite, but after an accident, where it fell and broke into 4 pieces, they started to glow. If the Crystallites are near each other, they will form into one, making a portal into an unknown world.

This portal was kept hidden from the succeeding leaders until it was again found out by the leaders today. The reason for why this was not discovered by the previous leaders is because they have put the Crystallites sealed in the tower to be assured that they're safe.

One day, the Tribe Leaders decided to know what is beyond the unknown world that is formed by their Crystallites. They didn't let anyone know what exactly they were planning to do, because it might bring fear in the creatures of Furroko. The only people who know about what exactly they're gonna be doing are the Primordial Crystals, who wished them a safe journey. When they have finally went through the portal, they stumbled upon a school named Silver Leaf University. They noticed that their horns, tails, and even their supernatural abilities are gone and kept safe in their Crystallites. They wanted to know more about this world they have stumbled in, so they observed how people lived here and how things are done. They are astonished to know that it's very similar to their world, they weren't still sure if this world is a threat, so they tried interacting with the people here, who are humans. They seemed friendly so they decided to stay a little longer here in this world. A few years later, they have gone their separate ways to know more, they promised to meet each other one day and hoped that their children will meet together. They all agreed that their children will be their Successors.

As time goes on, the 4 tribes were established and 4 leaders were chosen to rule the land, and eventually, these leaders are told to find their own worthy successor. Outside Furroko territory, there are what we call 'Wilders', Outcasts from Furroko because of their crimes. These can be from the most dangerous Humans to the deadliest of Monsters. Anyone who brings any harm to any fellow member of Furroko are sent outside its boundary. It was an empty desert with nothing to rely on and that's where they are forced to fight to the death for survival.

The Tribes:

MONSTERS: Considered to be the most hostile and most dangerous yet civilized creatures. They are humans who are overpowered by their monster blood. They look hostile, because their appearance looks like it, but these creatures know how to control their abilities as monsters. They are one of the 2 tribes to 1st inhabit Furroko. The environment has a horror feeling, not expecting what will happen where ever you go there.

HYBRIDS: They are humans who have a mix of monster blood, but they only have half of the monster blood mixed with their human blood. They are mostly debated on looking hostile or looking gentle, but most of the time, they are considered to be gentle creatures. Hybrids were first stepping foot on Furroko during the Great War as a way for humans to be physically stronger. After the war, they are separated from the humans and are given their own territory.

HUMANS: Humans are one of the 1st 2 tribes to inhabit Furroko along with the Monsters. They lived a simple life and are more educated than all the other tribes. During the Great War, Humans used a lot of weaponry against the Monsters. After the war, they went back to their simple lives. Before, Humans are seen to be weak, but as time goes on, Humans are now to be said as strong as Hybrids.

APPARITIONS: These creatures have a ghostly ability. Most commonly, they came from forgotten myths and deceased creatures, thus making this territory is the most diverse. Some say that the territory of the Apparitions is considered as the Elysium of Furroko, because most of the creatures living there are friendly and gentle with whoever they come across with.

WILDERS: These are to be considered the deadliest and the most hostile out of all tribes. They live in the outskirts of Furroko's boundary. The boundary is only an empty desert with no resources, thus making it a place of punishment for those criminals, whatever species they are. Most of them perish, but some are still alive due to killing off the other creatures they see. Furroko's boundary is considered as the Tartarus of Furroko.

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