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Morning Come's:

ROSE: (Go to her window) Good morning world.

(Rose woke up early so she eat happily.)

At School:

TRAVIS: Go-od Mo-or-ning.

ROSE: Good morning too Travis,what happened to you,you look exhausted.

TRAVIS: Yes,I'm so exhausted I really want to sleep right now.

LING-LING: Did you have a hard training again?

TRAVIS: Yes,do you guys have something important to do like doing a project or outings.

HAWK: Why'd you ask?

SHAWN: Because he will excuse it to our Grandfather's hard training for him.

HAWK: Well,if you all want to go to my Birthday Party.

ROSE: (exclaimed)You have a Birthday Party.

ASTORIA: Travis that's a clever idea and Rose keep it down because you're gaining attention's.

(Everyone is talking.)

CLASSMATE #1: Hawk is having a Birthday Party,I wish I'm invited.

FAN GIRL #1: Me too,I want to go to their house.

FAN GIRL #2: My Grandmother is one of Hawk's Grandmother's friend,so I have an invitation (super happy.)

CLASSMATE #2: Lucky you.

ASTORIA: Looks like all of our classmate was willing to go to your party.

HAWK: Yeah,the whole school wants to go.But only few was invited.

LING-LING: Why? Didn't you invite anyone.

HAWK: I don't want to,I only invite you guys.

ROSE: Why,the more the merrier.You should invite all of them too.

HAWK: Yeah,th-at's a gr-eat ide-a.

ROSE: Of course.

HAWK: Then you should all come too. I will have a piano recital.

ROSE: Really??

HAWK: Yes.

ROSE: Everyone in the school you heard it,right? Everyone must come to Hawk's Party.(speaking so loud)

CLASSMATE #1: Really??

ROSE: Yes,he already told us everything.

STRANGER #1: Oh my,I will surely come.

FAN GIRL #1: Hawk's Birthday Party ahhhhhhh I'm so happy on my life.

RUBY: We're invited at Hawk's Party.

FANGIRL #2: Really?? All of us,I'm so excited.

CLASSMATE #2: I heard the School Beauty will come.

CLASSMATE #3: I heard that news too.

ROSE: Who is this school beauty?

STRANGER #2: You don't know her,she is the most beautiful girl everyone will see.

ROSE: Really,I want to see her.(excited).

FAN GIRL #3: Her name was Ambrosia.

RUBY: And I really hate her.

STRANGER #3: Me too,she's beautiful and she's rich, that's why we don't have any chance to Hawk.

ASTORIA: (whispered) Rose we should get out of here,Hawk run away after hearing Ambrosia's name.

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