Chapter 4 - Noodles and Girlfriends

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Alice's P.O.V

I waited in the emergency waiting room, whatever you call it I couldn't say it. I just hope Tyler was okay, wow never thought I would say that. I took my notebook out and started writing for my next letter. In an hour he was back with a cast on his knuckles and wrap around his knuckles. He chuckled at me and went to the desk and then came back over here and sat down next to me. I sighed and so did he, he started looking over at my notebook so I closed it and put it back in my bag because he might be the person I'm writing. I'll find out tomorrow if he is or not. 

"I can get my own ride back if you want."

"It's not a problem, I mean if you want I could give you money for a ride home or I could give you a lift, either way is fine." I said quickly making him smile. I looked down and fidled with my hands, of course I was nervous around him! 

"Hey, it's pretty obvious that you know who I am and that I'm in Issues. Are you going to the Issues concert in a few days? That is why we are here after all."

I shook my head dissapointed, "I don't have the money, but if I could I definetely would." 

"Well there are some extra tickets and I could buy you one if you want. Is that good?"

I didn't want to take his money but I've never seen Issues live so I nodded my head, "That would be nice, now do you need a ride back to the store so someone can pick you up? I don't want to seem all weird if I drive you to your place, also I don't trust myself." I giggled and he nodded.

"That would be nice, Also I have to finish buying something for my friend, he's doing this whole pen pal thing, it's pretty cool." I nodded my head, then my eyes widened realizing it wasn't Tyler but it could be someone else in the band who I'm talking to.

"Hey, do you go to Berkley? You look like someone who is in college."

I nodded my head, "I'm actually doing the pen pal thing as well, We can't tell the other person who we are and they can't do the same. Was your friend the one who got me the A Day to Remember vinyl?"

He nodded his head, "That was you? The present you got us was funny because we already have the CD, so I was going to exchange it then I got a call from my...nevermind, and now we're here!" I smiled.

"Can you please please please tell me who my person is?"

He shook his head smiling and stood up, "Come on, I have to exchange it and then maybe we could hang out some time, you seem pretty chill with me being Tyler Carter and it's awesome to see a fan that doesn't scream or cry." 

I started laughing, "Well I froze and almost turned around, my co-worker screamed when I checked you out for the vinyl. But I'm not the type to scream or cry." 

"Hey, don't you have to be at work?"

I shrugged, "Mary took over my shift."

"Then you won't mind me taking you out to dinner since it's almost 6." I looked at the time and he was right, so I shrugged again and nodded my head.

We both stood up and went out the door to my car and headed to the nearest Noodles and Company. We got out of the car and we were the only people inside besides everyone working since it was almost time to close. Yeah, Noodles and Company's are really weird around here, they open early, and close early. We walked in and ordered our food, I got the mac and cheese with extra cheese and Tyler got the same but with buttered chicken. We sat down and we started eating with a nice silence between us. 

"If you don't mind me asking...why were you yelling on your phone?"

He took a big breath, "It was my mom, she's back with her boyfriend and I'm just worried for her, and she kept talking to me about my girlfriend, well ex, I still have to tell her." He shoved a pile of noodles and chicken in his mouth.

I needed to do something to make him feel better, I stood up and went to the counter telling him before I left I would be right back. I ordered two large vanilla frozen yogurt cups with pomegranite seeds in and went back handing him one.

"The healthiest thing to ice cream, healthy and delicious. He smiled and took a big spoonful and groaned putting his head in his lap.

"Brain freeeeze!" He yelled and started laughing. His phone started buzzing and he groaned again and started his old mood over again. He took his phone out and handed it to me. My eyes widened and I handed it back to him,

"Answer it pleassssse!" He begged me,  I sighed and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Tyty!" 

"It's not Ty?"

"Who is this? What the hell! Tyler Carter why the hell are you cheating on me with this slut! I can't see her but I bet she is!" I pulled the phone away from me my eyes wide! He giggled and nodded his head. I mouthed 'do you want me to break up with her for you?' He shook his head so an idea popped in my head.

"First of all just because you are his girlfriend doesn't mean that he can't talk to other people, you know he has family and girl friends and boy friends and it's utterly impossible to keep him from all of them when he is going to be around them for probably 4 to 5 months at a time, which also means you have to trust him enough to do his own thing. You aren't a good girlfriend if you can't even let him hang out with his own friends instead of yours. Second of all this is his best friend, so calm your ass down and go cry me a river. Me and him were having a good time until you called so if you have a message make it quick."

There was silence, I took the phone away from my hand and saw she was still on the line so I put my phone back to my ear.

"Well tell him that his best friend is rude, and that his <girlfriend> was calling to ask about tonight." I rolled my eyes, she emphasised the girlfriend part, she probably only listened to half of my speech.

"Got it bye." I hung up and handed him his phone back,

"What did she want?" He put his phone away.

"She was asking about tonight. So you should probably call her and talk about it. After dinner I'll bring you back to the store to exchange what you got and then you can drive home." I threw away my stuff and sat back down as he stood up and went into the bathroom to call her back. I sighed and went on my phone swiping through instagram, I swiped past something that caught my eye so I went back to it and looked carefully at it. Tyler had taken a picture of us in the car when we were driving to Noodles and Company, his broken hand was in view and so was I, we were both laughing and the caption was, "Without this friend I would have a broken, untreated hand, and a broken ego, love you Alice!"

The comments were people wondering what had happened to his hand, who was that girl he was with, and people thinking he broke up with his girlfriend. I commented on the picture and said, "I'm not his girlfriend, I'm just a person he met when it happened, we're just friends. And love you too Tyler!" I smiled and pressed sent getting a load of followers and comments tagging me in them some hateful some saying how great I was for helping him. I got a buzz on my phone and saw that Tyler followed me on twitter and on instagram. My heart fluttered and I put my phone away unable to stop smiling,

He came back out of the bathroom and laughed when he saw me, "Guess they found out who you were, you get NO privacy now!" He kidded around. 

I shook my head and stood up, "Come on lets gooo." We went out to my car and got in and headed back to my work to get the night shift which only lasts 3 hours. This was a fun day, we should do that again.

"I agree, but this time without the hospital trip." Dangit, I said that outloud. I giggled and nodded my head.

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