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It's three days later when Louis finally wakes up, he's surrounded by Scott, Drew and Edward.

Louis comes too in a tremendous amount of pain, he panics, thinking he's still in the disgusting house, chained to the wall.

"Hey Lou, it's okay sweetheart just relax" Louis hears Drew say.

He feels Scott's hands running through his hair and as he opens his eyes and comes face to face with his brothers he is so relieved. Everything comes back to him, about being rescued, he's so thankful the boy's are here and it's real this time.

"Relax for us kiddo, you're safe now" Scott says as he smiles slightly at Louis.

"Hurts" Louis croaks and it breaks the boys hearts.

"We know darling, it's okay" Edward says sympathetically

"I'm scared" Louis says

"You're safe. We won't let anything happen on you. We promise" Drew says as he grabs Louis hand.

"I'm sorry" Louis says quietly

"Oh god Louis, you have nothing to be sorry for sweetheart" Scott says

Andy then walks into the room.

"Hi there Louis" Andy says quietly, he doesn't want to overwhelm and scare Louis

Louis grips Drew's hand tightly

"It's okay Lou, this is Dr Andy, he's been looking after you" Drew says

Louis looks to Scott, wanting to know why Scott isn't looking after him. Scott understands Louis unsaid question.

"You're not at my hospital kiddo, so I can't have you under my care, but this is Andy and I went to medical school with him, he's the best and I would never let someone I didn't trust care for you. You know that" Scott says gently

Louis relaxes a little and nods slightly.

"I promise to look after you Louis, you have my word" Andy says.

Louis smiles slightly

"Now I know this is a bit of a general question, but I need to know how you're feeling, where your pain is" Andy says as he checks Louis vitals.

Louis loses himself to a memory for a few seconds, pain, something he has experienced immensely over the last few weeks.

The boys look at each other concerned

"I' just hurts....everywhere" Louis whispers as he retracts and tries to make himself as small as possible in the bed.

"Okay I'm going to give you some strong pain killers okay, you'll feel better soon" Andy says

He administers Louis some pain relief and Louis falls into another deep sleep.

Over the next week Louis is in and out of sleep, he's sore and isn't talking much at all. The boys understand how hard this all must be for Louis and are just reassuring him and making him feel as safe as possible.

Harry and Charlie have given Louis a week, they haven't been to see him and Harry has been calling daily checking in with the boys. They need Louis statement though and if Harry is honest he's aching to see Louis.

Scott warns Louis out and tells Harry and Charlie to come to the hospital on Friday afternoon, they turn up and Louis is a little out of sorts. Edward helped him shower and wash his hair and brush his teeth. It took a lot out of him though and he's tired and very sore, Louis hasn't been sleeping much unless he's on pain relief and doesn't dream.

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