4. Mind Games

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After the tender moment on the roof, the twins made it their task for as long as they were breathing to annoy the pair. At dinner that night, they kept cracking subtle jokes at the two of them. No one seemed to catch on, thank Merlin.

Later on, the family decided to have a game night, since there were only three more days until the kids all went to school. Ron and Percy were head to head in an intense game of wizards chess. The twins were playing a game they created in which they broke and repaired a china platter as fast as possible using the diffindo and reparo charms (reference to Golden Boy lmao). Arthur was teaching Ginny how to play a muggle game he'd learned at the ministry called "Connect Four". Meanwhile, Charlie and Eloise were battling one another in a game they played as kids.

They sat cross legged on the floor, Eloise's hands extended toward Charlie. He wrapped a blindfold around her eyes.

"Ready?" He asked her.

"Born ready, Weasley."

Charlie put his hands under hers, palms up. The goal was to slap the palm of the person on top without them pulling away. Charlie shook his hands underneath hers to give the illusion of him moving to hit her. She didn't tremble.

"Gonna keep teasing, Weasley, or are you gonna commit?" She smirked, alluding to something else, rather slyly.

"Oh, I see, then," he pulled his hands out once more, to which Ellie did flinch, although he didn't go for the slap, "I think you flinched."

"Shut up," she seethed, taking the blindfold of her head and throwing it at his chest.

He looked beautiful. His messy, long hair was pulled back into a stubby ponytail and he had taken her advice and shaved. She never realized how piercing his features really were. He had insane, sharp cheekbones and a jawline that could cut steel. Just above his angular nose were two small chestnut eyes that glowed orange in the light of the fire. He was enchanting.

Sadly, when he put the blindfold on, half his face was no longer available for her to admire.

He held his hands out for her and she delicately placed hers beneath his.

She intended to win.

She took her index fingers on each hand and gently rubbed his knuckles. She inched her fingertips along his tendons and down toward his wrists, tickling each individual vein.

"Oh, who's doing the teasing now?" Charlie growled.

"I'm just taking my time," she giggled, "Don't wanna rush into anything."

The innuendos were becoming too much for Charlie.

He scoffed.

She ran her hands along the side of his palms slowly, inching her way to the surface. But whenever she made any progress, she simply retraced her steps and slid her hands back to where they'd been before.

It was almost unbearable for Charlie. This slow, dragged out contact practically begged him to grab her hands and pull her into him. But he knew he couldn't.

After a few more seconds of excruciatingly slow movement, Charlie realized what Eloise was up to, but it was too late. When she got to his palm, she raised and brought down her hands in a loud slap.

He tore his blindfold off his face and his jaw dropped.

"That's gotta be cheating," he groaned.

"All is fair in love and war, Weasley," she said and held her hand out for him to give her the blindfold.

"I can't believe you," he handed her the piece of fabric.

She draped it over her eyes and all he could see was her promiscuous little smirk. He put his hands under hers.

An Unexpected Arrival-Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now