◆[Chapter 3 || 3.15p.m. , Lunch]◆

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  You placed your unwanted books into your locker, and headed back to class to eat the food placed in your bag, made by your mother. 

  As you walked towards your class, you saw a few people walking together, and mostly are a pair, a girl and a boy. You ignore some of their conversations as it was uncomfortable for you, you walked faster and reached your classroom, and saw Kyojuro sitting at his place, asleep.

  You chuckled at him, un-wanting to wake him up, you tip-toed to your seat and grabbed your lunch out of your bag. Seemingly, the aroma of the curry sweet potatoes attracted Kyojuro and made him wake up, scaring you a bit. 

  "Jeez, why did you just wake up like that without any noise, it could scare people ya know. ", Kyojuro smiled awkwardly and apologised, but as you were eating, you knew something Kyojuro likes.

  "Do you like sweet potatoes, Kyojuro? ", you turned to you and nodded truthfully, it was almost like his favourite thing in the world. As you eat the warm food prepared by your mother, you noticed how Kyojuro was just looking at you, making you nervous.

  "Um, don't you want to eat anything for lunch, Kyo?? ", once again, you called him using 'Kyo', but this time instead of blushing, he chuckled.

  "Well, I don't have anything to eat so- ", but without letting Kyojuro finish his sentence, you handed him a sweet potato using your chopsticks.

  "Here, since you like sweet potatoes have one. ", he looked down at the pair of chopsticks that were holding his favourite food, though his face was a bit red, but as always, you didn't care.

  It took some time until Kyojuro finally eats the potato, and he seemed to love it, the funny thing was that he would be screaming 'Delicious' for several times, it also attracted some students to peek in, but you didn't really care, but being with a friend is always first on your to-do list. 

  Time slowly flies and the both of you have to go to your next classes, as you were walking down the hallway, you say a girl about eighteen, cuddling herself as some guys kicked her. Suddenly, your eyes saw yourself in the girl's position, crying. As you raged, the boys continued to kick the girl, and as an overprotective person, you blocked the boys view from the girl, making them smirk.

  "Oh my, we've found a cutie~ "

  "Wanna hang out with us? "

  "Your so sexy~ "

  But without answering them, you gave them all a good punch in the face, making them all stumble back, "Learn some fucking manners, bitches. ", all of them faced you, including Kyojuro who was on the side, watching.

  Even when life brings you to this chapter, you could still clearly remember the horrible way you've been treated, and you wanted to stop people from abusing one another, and to redeem yourself. And here you are, in front some bullies in school, and you got into your fighting stance as the three guys run towards you, but as you were an athlete, you were able to pin them all down.

  "You three are going to the counsellor's office, right now. ", your tone was low and it sounded serious, making the boys shiver a bit, except the first one, he smirked. 

  Without being able to react, the guy tried punching your chest, which was pretty nasty, but Kyojuro was fast enough to save you from that punch. "You heard the lady, get. To. The. Counsellor's. Office. Now. ", Kyojuro sounded serious and intense, it felt like he was a reactor in the famous game 'Among Us', having a meltdown, his aura changed too, making the air around you feel heavy.

  But thanks to Kyojuro, the three troublemakers are now being disciplined by the counsellor, so the both of you continued your way to class, but when you were walking, Kyojuro asked what was the next class, and it was Maths, the subject you hated the most. "Oh, you hate Maths, if so you should stay far away from Sanemi. ", you listened to him, and you didn't understand why he said that, so you asked him for a reason.

  Seemingly, Sanemi loves Maths, and he's really good at it, he even competed in a World Wide Maths competition, and won number two, it was admirable but you didn't really think of it since you hated Maths, but a question popped out of your head. "Well, what's your favourite subject the, Kyojuro? ", he looked at you, he seemed delighted and was ready to answer your question, and that's when you heard that Kyojuro was a person who loves History, and even though History wasn't one your list, it was enjoyable. The both of talked as you made your way to class, and you remembered that there was some leftover food in your pocket. As you weren't hungry, you nudged Kyojuro arm as he turned to look at you with a curious face. 

  "Are you still hungry? If you are you can eat this piece of bread. ", it was unexpected that he just stood there, but time also felt like it stopped and the both of you had all the time in the world.

  So you waited, you waited for him to response, and it took some time until he finally answered, "No thank you, plus it is your food- ", but before he could finish talking, you pushed him to a nearby wall, making his face crimson.

  "My question is, are you hungry? ", he didn't answer you, or maybe he didn't know how to, making you grit your teeth.

  "Well never mind, I'm giving you this bread no matter if you are hungry or not. ", and with that, you pressed the piece of bread in Kyojuro's face, causing his talking to be muffled. You looked at Kyojuro who seemed shocked of what you did, and you thought his face looked cute, so you took a picture of him  when he was eating the bread. You chuckled at the picture you took, making Kyojuro ask what you are looking at, but you shook your head and continued to laugh. He sighed and grabbed your phone, making you mad.

  "Hey! Give me back my phone! ", and for some reason, your face felt hot, you didn't know why but it was definitely not because you were sick, so you ignored it. But as your head lifted to look at Kyojuro's face, you noticed how red his face was! And when you remembered the part where Kyojuro's face was bright pink, it made you worried for him.

  "Are you okay, Kyo? ", he noticed that you were talking and turned to face you, and the shade of bright red was on his cheeks, so you asked him if he needs to go to the nurse's office, but he kept on telling your that he was fine, so you got sick of asking him the same thing over and over again, so you ignored the fact and continued to walk, while Kyojuro hangs his head with embarrassment.

  Soon, the both of you arrived at your assign Math class, and you looked at the sign 'Maths ' with a sigh, and the both of you walked into class.

  As lunch period just passed, everyone was feeling light headed and sleepy, and you were one of them, you were so sleepy that you leaned against Kyojuro's arm for rest, making him flinch. But as he turned your head to see you sleeping peacefully, he decided to let you sleep peacefully.

  You could hear the sound of pencils scribbling, the scent of rain, it was peaceful first day at school today, and you also met some friends, and the friend you enjoyed to be with the most is definitely Kyojuro and Tsukiko, they were funny and nice, making them qualified to be your friends.    

Ok sorry if this chapter sucks, I was losing my brain power these days so my writing might suck, so feel free to tell me to do any corrections. And I promise the future chapters won't be this bad.


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