Chapter 16: Summer Time Stress

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It was another summer that the Hawks had come up short for the cup, but it was okay. Patrick wasn't too bummed about it because it just meant more time to be with Peyton and I. We also had decided to take a trip to Florida and bring Peyton to Disney land.

"Can you believe almost a year ago we got engaged?" I said to Patrick as he pushed sleeping Peyton's stroller along as we walked the park.

"And now we have a kid" he shakes his head

"We have a perfect family" I smile

"Maybe we should add another family member" he smirks

"A little to soon" I scoff

"No not a human, maybe a guy with four legs and a lot of hair" he chuckles

"A dog? Patrick, you wanna get a dog?"

"I think we should"

"Oh my god when!" I squeal "I've always wanted one, this is so exciting"


It was a week after returning to chicago that we were on another flight to Buffalo to spend the rest of the summer with Patrick's family along with Jonny, Andrew and Patrick all coming to visit for a week. It seemed like forever since I had last been in Patrick's house. The fondest memory I have is when I had comforted Patrick on the lost of his grandfather on the large white sofa in the living room.

When we touched down in Buffalo Erika and Jackie came to pick us up and drive us to the house. The trunk of the car was loaded with bags and Erika couldn't help but mock how we had brought the entire penthouse from Chicago. "The day you have a kid is the day you'll understand" Patrick laughs at her.

As we pull into the driveway, Patrick's sisters help unload the bags and leave them in the entrance hall.

"We have one last thing before we go" Erika smiles cheekily

"I don't like to look of that" I say as I pick up Peyton from the car seat.

"You'll like it" Jackie assures. Patrick and I stand there glancing at each other and his sisters.

"Well come on" Erika murmurs. Her and Jackie lead us up the stair case and they slowly creep to the last room which is the one across from Patrick's and I.

"Open the door" Jackie smirks. Patrick hesitantly lays his hand on the door knob and takes a second before turing the knob and opening the door. Inside the room was fully furnished. The walls were painted white and blue with a border of silhouettes of hockey players separating the colors (white was the top color, blue was the bottom) On the far left side of the room was a new crib in dark brown with blue sheets, not far from it was a matching changing table and new cabinet. There was one window in the room that you could sit at and a blue seat cushion was put there. The blue white cotton curtains were pulled to the side of the windows and tied there neatly. On the right side of the room a dark cushioned rocking chair was put in front of a matching foot rest. The rocking chair had a black fleece blanket folded at the top and on thee chair was a pillow with Peyton's name embroidered on it. Next to the pillow were many stuffed animals. The room was absolutely amazing. Patrick and I had planned on doing Peyton's room while we were here but now we didn't have to.

"Oh girls it's absolutely beautiful!" I exclaim

"We're glad you like it" They smiled

"You guys payed for all of this?" Patrick asked as he walked around the room admiring it.

"We had a little help from mom" Jackie laughs "Oh and Jess helped to"

"We love it" Pat says for the both of us.

I walked over to the rocking chair, still holding Peyton, and picked up a teddy bear. "Look Peyton" I say in a whisper. Peyton stairs blankly at it as i shake it in front of him. "Not a big fan" I laugh before setting it back down.

Patrick and I thanked his sisters once more before watching them pull out of our driveway and go out of sight down the road. We spent most of that day relaxing and playing with Peyton on the deck outside. The rest of this week would be chaotic, patrick and I desperately needed to go shopping especially if we were to have the guys over. On top of trying to get ready Patrick's family wanted to see him, and not just his parents but his entire family. They all wanted to meet baby Peyton and I along with see Patrick whose rarely in Buffalo.

"I was thinking how about a barbecue with my whole family?"

"Where?" I question as I burp Peyton.

"Here, next weekend"

"I don't know" I whined, I was not up to the preparations, which was a lot because the house was empty.

"I'll take care of everything" Patrick smiles before kissing me on the lips than leaning over and kissing Peyton on his head.

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