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(Requested by @MoonDreamer012 who I hope enjoys this!)

"Well, you would know if you ever fucking listened to me for once!" Vanya shouted, the emotion cracking in her voice, pain splintering the ice that had long since settled in her heart. The stage makeup that she had been so proud of was smudged and running with tears. She lad long since learned that there was no use getting her hopes up because they would inevitably be dashed every single time, and yet she dared once and it left her worse off than if she never tried at all. 

"You could have been more clear that you wanted us to go." huffed Klaus, who did not want to take on the responsibility of admitting they had all quite forgotten.

"If you want us there, just ask! Of course we would have wanted to go." added Allison, who made sure that her tone was perfectly calm, perfectly soothing, just as she had always been told to when trying to win others to her side, or to lull them into a false sense of security, or perhaps even both.

"I did ask!" the violinist exclaimed, throwing her hands up into the air, "And I made sure to remind you all whenever I got the chance to! I even put a flier on the fridge for goodness sake! But of course none of you gave a rat's arse that I got to have my first ever solo in a proper concert tonight? You know who did come?" she asked, stomping a foot down, "Pogo came! Pogo always comes because he's the only one that cares enough to care!"
Unbeknownst to the emotionally charged musician, the trees directly behind her were being buffeted about as if in a violent hurricane, reaching a catalyst with her last heartbreaking declaration where all the low-hanging branches were torn off with the same ease that a child would exhibit as they tear the wings right off the back of an innocent fly.
To make it worse, the now disconnected branches were flung up into the air, falling any which where, which so happened to be a fitting description of how the siblings were spread out.
"Did any of you even care enough to listen to me then? Are you even listening now?"

Well, nobody was ignoring her, that was for sure, but it would be a stretch of the imagine to think that they were able to give her the sort of attention that she so demanded while they were getting out of the way of the falling shrapnel that used to be considered a tree.

"Vanya?" The Rumor asked gently, but evidently not in a way that the enraged Hargreeves would even accept.

"Vanya!" echoed Spaceboy, who had been busy tossing aside the branch - it was closer to the equivalent of a medium sized tree, but he was a tad too humble to admit this - that had gotten a little too close to hitting the scampering Klaus.

"What?" she shouted, setting the higher branches to start shaking ominously.

"What did you do?"

Vanya had been so caught up in her own all encompassing self pity that she had not even realised what she had done, and what she had almost done to her family. She hadn't wanted to hurt them after all, she only wanted them to realise that they had hurt her. Once, twice, and then thrice she sniffled, the blinding white fading from her eyes, bringing with it a new flood of tears as the manic violin that filled her mind slowly fell silent, leaving her just Vanya, surrounded by her wide-eyed, panicked siblings.
Luther stood tall, the proud leader that he was forced to be from a young age seeming a visible shell, the man willing to throw himself into the line of danger to ensure that his siblings did not get hurt. He did care for his siblings, more so than he cared for himself to be sure.
Diego was doing a hell of a job of diverting the tree fragments from falling into harms way, trying to keep things as far away from his family, and out of the path of any bystanders who might unknowingly stumble upon the scene once they were gone. Of course he cared, he cared too much about everything.
Allison still dared to approach the danger, whispering soft, earnest reassurance that all could be well even as she risked her own well being, perhaps even life, by trying to remind her sister that she wasn't alone there. She cared for her family more than anything in the whole world.
Klaus could have easily run for safer grounds, but he would never leave his family in danger, even if he was left out in the open, if he was a target then the size of the target on the rest of their backs would be made smaller and it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. There was nothing else he could do but care.

Silent now, all the shrieks and accusations having died in the air she forced them into, Vanya sunk down to her knees, a frightened child that did not know what she did wrong only that everything she tried to do was somehow wrong.

Despite the potential risk for danger, Allison still dared approach the shaking scrap of a woman, crouched down to make sure she was not looming over her in a way that could be perceived as a threat, keeping herself at an arm's distance so that she didn't crowd her at all.
"You're incredible." she whispered, genuine awe whisking away some of the strength of her voice.

"No 'm not."

"You are," The Rumor replied as gentle as can be, shooting her brothers a glance that prompted a rumble of agreement and barely legible complements, "You are incredible, and you have every right to be mad at us for forgetting, but it was not an attack against you, I promise. I'm sure you made the show significantly better than it would have been, and I wish I had been able to see you."

It would be safe to assume that the next time Vanya had a show, the first four tickets went to her siblings, and, dear reader, if you were to make this assumption you would be pleasantly surprised to find that this was correct.

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