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This book will only be about writing tips for new writers. If you are experienced already, these tips might not be very helpful for you.

Okay, so first of all: The tips I'm going to give you are...

1. ...universally usable; I may talk especially about fanfics, but those tips pretty much apply when writing any genre (mostly)

2. no means set rules. I'm giving those tips according to my experience, but everyone is allowed to do their own thing.

I do not think that my words are some kind of laws to follow, I'm just trying to help new writers start out without a problem.

Also, I am by no means a professional writer or have any academic knowledge about creative writing.

So, now that we got this straight I'll start.

If you have any questions you want me to answer, tips to give or topics to cover- here you go:

Don't be shy to ask throughout the book and give tips yourself^-^

How To Fanfiction (Tips for new writers)Where stories live. Discover now