Chapter 61 - part 2

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Song - Want You Back by 5 Seconds Of Summer.
Status - Chapter song (I love you Aiden)

Start listening to this song as soon as the chapter begins.


I ring her doorbell and wait for what seems like ages until her mother finally opens to the door.

"Aiden?" She questions.

"Hi Rebecca, is Em here? I really have to talk to her," I say as nonchalant as possible even though I'm freaking out.

"What? The window wasn't close enough?" Her mother grins knowingly.

Guilt instantly floods through me as I look at the woman who has been so accepting of me; "I fucked up Rebecca, big time. I really need to explain myself to Em," I say, my real emotions shining through. I can't even care that I just swore in front of the girl I likes mother.

"Oh?" Rebecca asks, her tone going from joking to serious quicker than I screwed up things with Em.

"Please?" I beg again. Rebecca still looks extremely confused and surprised but she nods, walking away as Eli comes to the door.

"Aiden!!" He enthuses. Usually, I really liked Eli, he was a cool kid but right now all I wanted was his sister.

"Hey man," I reply as politely as possible even though I kept looking for any sign of Em.

Eli goes on excitedly about his plans with Sophia and I try to keep my attention on him but I struggle, where was she?

Would she listen to me?

Would I ever get the chance to say how sorry I was?

The freezing water attacking my clothed body didn't even faze me, I just needed to see her.

I had to explain it to her, to tell her how sorry I am and that she was the girl I was in love with.

Wait what?


I was in love with Em?

Was Toby right?

I hate myself even more and get the urge to punch something when I realize that Toby was right all along. I was in love with her, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes on, she was so kind, just being in her presence made me feel like I could conquer the world.

I did love Em, and I had loved her for a long time, I was just too fucking stupid to admit it myself.

I look up and my eyes meet with her beautiful blue ones. They looked cold and upset and I hated myself so much for making her feel that way.

She had never looked at me with eyes like this, not even when I said all those things in the classroom to make her stay away from me.

"Collins?" I say in a desperate voice I barely even recognize myself.

"Aiden," she replies coldly and I can't help but stare at her. The cold look in her eyes had now spread throughout her body and even her body reacted to me coldly.

I hate myself so much.

I'm such a fucking screw-up.

"I don't know what you saw but please let me explain," I beg shamelessly.

Em looks at me for a second before looking inside the house at her family. I didn't care that her whole family was witnessing this exchange, I would have done anything to go back in time.

She squeezes through the door and only succeeds after pushing me backwards considering I was literally standing in the middle of her doorway. My body that was previously freezing warms up instantly at the tiniest bit of contact and I hope more than anything that she feels something as well.

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