|| Emotions ||

27 8 10

Such brat these emotions are?

Gives you much to feel.

Such filthy these emotions are?

Remembers the awful experience first,

So suffer again.

Such moody these emotions are?

First second you are angry hot,

The next second you cry and flood the house

And later you are happy again.

Such good hiders these emotions are?

Smiling, laughing from exterior,

But who comes to know that

There is a war going on in there,

Which is gradually breaking you down.

Such scary these emotions are?

Gives a scar for life long,

A scar which can never be healed,

But be faint.

Such stupid these emotions are?

Gives you your weakness

Which may later turn into your strength.

Such helpful these emotions are?

Gives you the freedom to express yourself

Without even speaking anything.

Such complicated these emotions are?

Makes you to hate and love the same thing,

The same time.



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Till then peace!

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