Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

“I’ll see what?” Liam asked. 

His manager Matthew grabbed Liam by the shoulder, forced him to sit on the nearest couch, and announced, “That I am the greatest person in the whole wide world.”

“What have you done this time, Matt?”  Matthew was not only his manager, he was also family – he was Liam’s older sister Nicola’s fiancé. 

Matthew tried to look extremely offended, and Liam felt the need to remind him of the time he put edible dye in what he thought was Nicola’s tea.  It turned out to be their dad’s, and Mr. Payne had to go to work and give a presentation in all his blue-teethed glory.  Since Liam was the only one they thought immature enough to pull such a prank, the 3 Toy Story movies being his favorite and all, he was the one believed to have done it.  Up to this day, his dad remained oblivious as to who the real culprit was.  They all believed that had he known, he wouldn’t have given his blessing to Matthew to propose to Nicola. 

“Give it up, Matt.”

“Well, you know how the town’s all abuzz over Clint Eastwood’s latest project Forgotten Return?”

Liam nodded.  Everyone at the victory party for Somewhere in Time last night was talking about how Daniel Day-Lewis already signed to be in the film.  It shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but since Eastwood announced that it was to be his last film before retiring, every A-list Hollywood actor wanted to be in it.  Celebrities like Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, and Russell Crowe were lobbying for parts, and waiving their fees for a role in the movie.  Rumor has it that Leonardo diCaprio personally went to Eastwood for a part in what was now the most anticipated film of the year. 

“I know someone from the inside that said they are days from announcing the actors that Clint tapped for the role of Alexander”

Liam raised an eyebrow.  “Alexander the Great?”

“Yes,” Matthew replied, scrolling down on his phone at an amazingly fast pace.  “They said Eastwood will be taking a different approach to the film that will center mostly on Alexander and his horse Bucephalus.”

“Hmmm,” Liam said absentmindedly.  “What does that have to do with me?”

“Well,” Matthew extended the word, making it sound like it had two syllables instead of one.  “One of the actors Eastwood wants to play Alexander is in this room, and it’s not the good-looking one.”

Liam didn’t even have time to let him know that the subtle insult did register.  “Get outta here!”

Matthew just nodded.

“Wait until the guys hear about this!” Liam started taking his phone out of his pocket to tell his friends about the awesome news, but the look on Matthew’s face stopped him.  “What kind of look is that, Matt?”  Last time he saw that look from his manager’s face, they had to pull over a busy highway so he can answer nature’s call. 

“Which one do you want first:  good or bad news?”


“Good news?” Aria just answered Principal Sylvester’s question with another one.

The woman adjusted her glasses and pulled out a piece of paper from a blue envelope that had Aria’s name on it.  “The good news is Harvard Medical School called to say they’ve received our recommendation for your full scholarship application.  The dean said that if your academic standing remains the same until after your finals, then you got it.”

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