
44 6 105

Q1) would i date an 18 year old at the age you are now?

A1) Depends on who they are and if they have just turned 18 or not

Q2)would you smile at a stranger?

A2) I'm British so yes , its rude not to do a little smile and nod if when you walk past someone 😂

Q3)what are you wearing right now?

A3) i just got back from school so , im wearing leggings and a puma jumper

Q4)How often do you listen to music ?

A4) everyday , i always have music on (right now im listening to no control )

Q5) Are you a social or an antisocial person?

A5) depens on who is there/ my mood

Q6)Do you care if people talk badly about you?

A6) depends on who it is

Q7)When was the last time you cried?

A7) i dont really cry anymore but probably my nans funeral

Q8) is there a boy who you would do anything for?

A8) yes, my best friend who is basically my brother

Q9) have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have?

A9) yes

Q10) Do you replay things that happened in your head?

A10) yes all the time and i get in trouble because of it

Q11) is your life anything like it was two years ago?

A11) No, absolutely not

Q12) have you ever cried over a boy ?

A12) yes , multiple times

Q13) how do you look right now?

A13)like cow shit

Q14) if you could change your eye colour , would you?

A14) no, my eye colour is actually my favorite thing about my self

im supposed to tag 15 people but I lonely as fuck , s0.............. I have tagged random people

so if you one of the random people/ or a person who has some how randomly found me .. hi if you don't think im weird and want to be friends then message me!!'' (if you don't then that is completely fine , I wouldn't message me either 😂)


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