Q1) what is your favorite holiday movie?
A1) Elf 10000% elf
Q2) what is your favorite xmas colour?
A2) red
Q3) do you like to stay in your PJs or dress up for xmas
A3) stay in my PJs
Q4) if you could only buy one person a present this year who would it be ?
A4) my niece
Q5)do you open present Xmas eve or Xmas day ?
A5) open them Xmas day but technically one Xmas eve because me and my sister gets are Xmas PJs every year and then take photos by the fire place ( its a family tradition)
Q6) have you ever built a ginger bred house ?
A6) yes and it went to shit
Q7) what do you like to do on your Xmas break?
A7) my boy bestfriend usually stays over the night school closes and see family
Q8) any Xmas wishes ?
A8) to see my cousin at lest once more time
Q9) favorite Xmas smell?
A9) the fire place
Q10) favorite X mas food or treat?
A10) candy canes