i got tagged again ( part 3)

21 3 61

Q1) favourite food ?

A1) my gramps' hunters chicken 

Q2)favourite drink ?

A2) water

Q3) favourite scent ?

A3) matches or bonfire night 

Q4)favourite colour ?

A4) gray 

Q5)favourite city ?

A5) not to sure i haven't traveled  that much in my life 

Q6)favourite animal ?

A6)  i don't have a fav animal 

Q7)favourite tv show ?

A7) god ive got so many  umm 'friends' , 'gogglebox' , 'im a celeb' , 'Saturday night takeaway' , 'friday night dinner '  but  'only fools and horses' is definitely my fav 

Q8)favourite hobby ?

A8) acting or painting 

Q9)favourite celeb ?

A9) louis Tomlinson

Q10)favourite flower?

A10)  idk  , ive got really bad hay fever so i don't go near flowers😂 

Q11)favourite emoji

A11)  🖕,🥺,🏳️‍🌈,🤦‍♂️

Q12)favourite shop

A12) any type of art shop 

Q13)favourite restaurant ?

A13) frankie and benny's 

Q14)favourite app ?

A14) tik tok or wattpad 

Idk how many people you where ment to tag so.....

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