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You and Akaashi managed to snag stow seats to watch Farina's play. You were happy since you got close enough to record her.

The play started with two students explaining the storyline, then shutting the classroom lights off. And it went on from there, for a classroom, it was not that bad. Farina did well too. afterward, the actors got to come out by the audience to talk with anyone they knew.

"How'd I do?" Farina grinned while grabbing your shoulders.

"You did good, I mean it." You nodded. Her eyes lit up.

"Thanks (y/n)!" She hugged you and froze. "Oh, you and Akaashi came here together?" You could feel her grin on your shoulder.

"Yeah, we were hanging out so.." you muttered.

"Well since this is a date I'll leave you to it." She whispered in your ear before stepping back. She gave Akaashi a small wave and winked at you before heading backstage.

"She isn't coming with us?" Akaashi stepped over to you.

"She has- other things to do." You sputtered out while quickly heading out of the room. Akaashi followed you close by.

"Hey the hallways look more empty now, why's that?" You asked.

"I think everyone's heading down to the gym no for the all-school events."

"What're they doing this year?"

"Not sure," Akaashi mumbled. "Someone mentioned Tug-o-war and a relay race." You groaned and rolled your eyes.

"They're still playing the music at least right?" You crossed your arms. Akaashi nodded.

"Let's head to the gym now."

Akaashi held the door open for you, the sound of the booming speakers poured out of the gym doors. People were dancing in the gym, waving around glow sticks. You grabbed onto Akaashi's shirt as he leads you through the crowd.

"Akaashi!" Bokuto Nearly tackled him down.
"(y/n)!" He pulled both of you in for a hug. He has glow stick juice all over him, it was on his pants, shirt, shoes, his face, and even in his hair.

"That stuff is toxic you know!" You smacked his arm.

"Ouch! Only if you ingest it." He shouts, trying to speak over the music.

"Well don't get any on me." You stepped back. Bokuto laughed, pulling Konoha and some other guy in.

"Are you guys participating in the events?" Konoha looked between you and Akaashi.

"I'll participate. Tug-o-war right?" Akaashi raised his voice, trying to talk over the booming speakers.

"Yeah! And a relay afterward!" Bokuto cheered. You could hardly understand what they were saying, the music almost drowned them out. Suddenly the music came to an end, and someone came on the mic to speak.

"For anyone participating in the events, please make your way outside, we have Tug-o-war, and a relay race planned! All students and visitors are allowed to join these events! Thank you." The mic turned off and everyone began flooding through the doors to the yard, where a large rope with three ribbons, the school's colors, is laid across the grass.

"(y/n), you wanna participate?" Akaashi glances over.

"Hell no." You scrunch your nose up in response. As if you want to fight over a stupid rope, then have to run afterward.

"Come on. Loosen up a little bit and have fun! It's a festival!" Shizimiyu came up behind you and linked her arm with yours.

"I don't want to." You scoffed. Khloe appeared over Shizimiyu's shoulder.

The Iron Dragon - Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now