Twenty Two

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This day couldn't get any worse.

I had planned earlier to call my parents, but totally forgot after Lily nearly died. You couldn't possibly expect me to remember that.

But of course, the universe but had to make this day worse for me.


After letting out a deep sigh, I swiped the screen and the dreadful call began.

"Jenny Harrison, what in the world is going on?" she yelled into the phone.

Every time my mom used my two names, you knew hell was about to break loose.

"I-uh-uh..... We kind of got into a little mess. But we're okay now," I tried to reassure her. But my actions were futile.

"A little mess? Are you kidding me? You're on the news for heaven's sake!Is Lily okay?" she asked.

"Yeah she's- Wait what? On the news? What for?" I asked.

"It says you guys were attacked next to a 'Target' I think. Are you okay? We can come there right now," she said as I could hear her picking up her keys.

"No. I mean yes, we're fine. But no, you don't need to come. Lily's fine. I'm fine Ayden's fine," I said.

"Who's Ayden? Oh, my gosh. Jenny did you find yourself a boyfriend?" she asked.

Only my mom would be more interested in whether I found a boyfriend than me being okay. Only my mom.

"No. He's not. He's Li- No. We're fine," I said for the millionth time," He's the guy I told you about who is helping us find my parents,"

"Your par- oh. Ok," she said and I could sense the pain in her time when I mentioned 'my parents'

Some part of ne knew since I began this journey that my mom hadn't come to terms with the fact that I would be finding my birth parents. I could tell from the moment I left the house. My dad was either bottling his feelings inside, or he was honestly fine with me finding my birth parents.

I hated the thought that they assumed that once I found my birth parents she, or they, would not be in the picture anymore.

My mother had some sort of condition that I didn't understand that prevents her from having children. She had been to multiple gynecologists that told her that she wasn't able to have children. Although one of them told her that with some help, she could one day bear children of her own, she had already lost hope long ago, to even try. There was a great possibility of her having a child, but I guess the little hope that she had held onto all that time evaded.

So, when one day a friend of hers from work recommend her to think of adoption, the joy of being a mother overtook the hopelessness. She immediately took on the idea, and well, I happened.

My dad used to tell me of the joy she had the first time she hugged me. She kept on repeating how special I was, and how lucky she was that she had me. For years she wouldn't let anyone ,except my dad hold me, and that was only on rare occasions, claiming that she wanted to keep me safe. But my dad clearly knew that it was because she didn't want to lose me.

The thought of her losing me would torment her. It would ruin her and shatter her heart into pieces. She needed me more than I needed her.

I was the reassurance of hope when all hope was lost for her.

"Mom, I love you, and trust me, I'm fine," I said to make sure she wouldn't start crying on the phone.

"It's ok honey, I hope you are," she said trying to muffle her sobs.

"I am mom," I said emphasizing the 'mom' part.

"I love you too Jen" she said and ended the call.

I wanted to call her and make sure she was really fine, but I needed to sort out some issues that required my attention. Immediately.

The crying toad and the clueless best friend.

"For the last time. I said I'm fine. Now can I go back to sleep?" I heard Ayden ask as I approached the car. I let out a small groan just because of thinking of what was to come.

I got to their side of the car and looked at Lily trying to decipher what was going on.

"Jenny's here. Now can you pester her and not me?" Ayden asked in an annoyed tone.

I looked at Lily and signalled her to come back to the front seat. She obliged reluctantly and you could see the confusion plastered on her face.

"What, so now you're going?" Ayden asked.

This side of Ayden was the most confusing. The Ayden that told you mean things to keep you away from him, but still wanted to keep you close to him.

"Uh, yeah. I'm trying to make sure you're okay. But all you keep doing is pushing me away," Lily said.

"I told you I'm fine. You don't have to go." Ayden said

"No, you're not and you know it. You were screaming like hell until Jen came and woke you up. How could you possibly be fine?" Lily asked flying her arms around.

"Because.... Tha- I'm just.... Okay you know what, go. It's fine," Ayden said.

Lily looked to me with a look that that made me know she  wanted me to help out.

"Uh. Mhm. Lily's right. You can't keep pushing people away like this. You need to talk to us," I spoke up.

"Oh. My God. What is it going to take to prove to you guys that I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine and I'm so freaking fine," he said.

Lily got tired and went to her side of the car. I was left there with an arrogant Ayden who had just pissed off my best friend.

If Ayden had never experienced a classic 'Lily silent treatment,' then he was on for it.

I honestly didn't want to have a car full of people who were mad at each other. Not only would that be awkward, but also, disturbing.

So I had to use the only weapon I had.

A threat.

"If you don't talk to her, I will tell her about the last time it happened. And we both know you don't want that happening," I said with the best game face I had and then confidently walked back to my seat.

I was so damn proud of myself.

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