Chapter 6

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This is Chapter 6 of That Shadow, hope you enjoy

"About that," my mom said, "Reece, you have to go to a place for people like you."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Your going to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters," my mom said.

"No I'm not, mom. We already been over this, when I'm ready. I'm not ready."

"Reece you have to. It's been how long has it been since they asked you in the hospital?"

"Three years, mom, it's been three years." I closed my eyes. I did not want to do this.

"Okay then, Reece. How much longer do you need?" my mom said, clearly not happy with me.

"I don't know. Mom, I just don't want to go. I don't want to just leave the family, for some stupid school."

"Look Reece, I love you, and you know that, but this is what's best for you right now."

I knew my mom was right. For the three years that I tried ignoring my, special abilities, they just kept on popping up. Maybe my mom is right.

"Okay, I'll go. When am I leaving?"

"Tomorrow. Be ready by 8. They're coming to pick you up at 8:30."

I went upstairs to my room. Knowing that I won't be here tomorrow made everything look different. I saw my siblings as my loving family, not the people who threw me in the pool, cause I took a pepperoni from the pizza.


Wait, quick author's note. I'm not sure if I told you guys all of her siblings. I don't care if I did. Here's Reece's and her siblings' and ages:







"Hey Reece, I need your-" started Ross.

"I love you," I said, pulling him into a hug.

"What the heck are you doing Reece? Since when did you ever hug, anyone?" he said.

"Since I found out that this is the last time I'll be seeing you for a long time."

"What, Reece what are you talking about? You're not going anywhere," he said clearly confused.

"Yeah I am. I'm going to the institute, Ross," I said.

"What, but you said that you were never going. What the heck, Reece? You're not going."

"It's the best thing for me right now."

"When are you going?" Ross said.

"Tomorrow morning," I wish that I could've done something with my family before I had to go.

"Oh, I'll get everyone," Ross said. I felt bad leaving my family on such short notice. I'll miss them.

A minute later, Ross came back with all of my siblings.

"Your leaving?"

"Dude, what the heck?"

"Why you gotta leave?"

"I just have to, you guys. I'm coming back on holidays, don't worry." I said.

"Oh, well since that won't be until a while, might as well just make something that you'll remember us by," Jayden said.

"Get her"

After that, I don't even want to know what happened. It was chaos. Alan picked me up and started walking downstairs. Me being picked up, plus going downstairs ,doesn't equal something good. They're going to throw me in the pool. Again, really? I thought we were better than this. I guess not.

While thinking I guess that I didn't notice that we were in the back yard, with our pool. Oh god.

"Seriously guys, can't I remember you as my loving siblings?"

"Loving siblings, never heard of them."

After that, I was in the pool.

"You jerks!"

I saw a leg. I pulled it, and Jayden was in the pool.

"What the-"

Everybody jumped in. It was awesome. I went straight towards Allan. That jerk threw me in. I jumped on him.

"I've got the power!" I screamed.

*4 hours of just swimming, eating, and being idiots later*

"Wow, that was fun."


"I'm gonna miss you guys," I said.

"Why are you randomly leaving?" Jenna asked.

"Oh you know. Cause I needed to," I said. I couldn't tell them that it was because of Mom. Then they would probably be mad at her.

"Oh," she said.

"I'm gonna go pack. See you guys tomorrow. Goodnight, " I said, standing up.



"Don't let the bed bugs bite."

I started packing my things. I packed clothes, pictures, other stuff. After that, I brushed my teeth, took a shower, etc. I fell asleep immediately.

*The next morning*


"I'm up, gosh. Can't we just be civilized people and simply shake each other awake?" I asked.

"Civilized, never even heard of the word."

I rolled my eyes. These people are going to be the end of me. Then I remembered, today I'm going to the institute. Oh gosh, this day just keeps getting better and better.

I did all of the morning essentials. When I was done it was 8:16. I went downstairs, my mom, Jenna, and Ross were there.

"Good morning," I said.


"You hungry? There's bacon and eggs," my mom said.

"No," I said.

"You, Reece Arthurs, isn't hungry? It's the end of the world," Ross said.

"Hahaha. So funny," I said.

Ding. Dong.

"Who would be here, this early?" Jenna asked.

"Who knows?" Ross asked.

But I knew. They were coming for me.

"Who is it?" my mom asked, well screamed really.

Nobody answered.

She looked through the little hole and immediately opened the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Arthurs."


Okay, so I hoped you guys liked my chapter. It's obiously much longer than what I usually do. Tell me how to make my story better. I don't mind harsh critique.






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