Good morning! I sure hope you've slept well! This place is not the most comfortable, but it's all we've got until our journey will be! I've made breakfast! Huh? What do you mean i'm fat enough already? Oh no, no, no! I sometimes wonder how can you treat yourself this sure must be painful...i know it is. Listen to me, you're more than a number, you're more than a body. You're so handsome/beautiful! Don't make yourself a number, your body is not a prison and you are definitely not a convict! And if you think any other way, let me be your judge then; you're free. Perhaps when you were your own judge you gave yourself a life sentence behind the bars...but you were not guilty. Now, you're free to go. Eat up! We need to go! I have something to show you, you'll like it.
Hurry! I can't wait to show you already! Almost there...almost there... now close your eyes! I promise you'll be totally fine, please, cover your eyes and i'll guide you...just a little bit more...aaand... open them! Yes! A meadow! Do you like it? You may wonder why I brought you here.
Let me ask you first: have you noticed how dark it was until we arrived here? Tall trees, big bushes, it's cloudy too...but this place is so clear and so beautiful and so bright... When there's nothing that covers the ground, the sun can lay its warm rays upon everything around it. Oh- it started raining. Don't hide from the rain, let it touch you, and focus on what i'm telling you. Speaking of, think about it for a second! It may be raining, the clouds are covering the whole sky, and you can't see it...but you still know the sun is there, right? You know that, for as long as it would rain, it's eventually going to stop, and everything will be bright again.
Ok...enough for today. I am going to think about where i want to take you tomorrow. Until then, sleep tight. Again, don't leave! The, don't worry, we are safe here, they won't come anywhere near us. We're safe, and we will be completely safe after we get out of here. Until then, listen to what i tell you, i know this forest far too well. Come on, sleep now!
Life (but beautiful)
SpiritualOne chapter a day, no matter how curious you are! Don't hesitate to message me whenever you want if you have questions or anything you'd like to tell me. Thank you for reading and thank you for being here!