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"Another news report coming from-" static filled the bus, cutting out half of the news report as groans rose in the air once more, "have been filed into the news station this morning. This hotel has been said to be the biggest in the state, yet has been closed for a year now. There have been reports coming from the neighboring town that there are voices and-" a tall figure slammed his hand on the radio, shutting it off. He sighed, looking back at the bus of people. His dark-colored eyes scanned through the seats as his friends ran around like maniacs, enjoying the time of their life. He ruffled the Christmas hat on the top of his head, resting neatly on his dark brown hair, and walked to his seat towards the front of the bus.

Collapsing into the soft leather bus seats, he sat on his knees and turned around, raising himself over the seat a little.
Behind him was a shorter male with discolored eyes and brown hair, dark grey ears perked out of his fluffy locks. Ego snapped his fingers together, trying to capture his friend's attention, "Adan?? Earth to Adan, wake up boo-hoo," he taunted the male who was staring out the window. Purple and green eyes darted to the male practically hovering over him, looking up at him, "What??" He tilted his head.

 Purple and green eyes darted to the male practically hovering over him, looking up at him, "What??" He tilted his head

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"Just wanted to say hi." Ego snickered mockingly, looking out the window of Adan's seat. The shorter sighed, following his gaze, and returned it to the window.

The landscape was desolate, very empty. It was like a desert- just without sand and more grass.
They were currently on the way to the largest hotel in their state, according to the radio at least. It had been shut down for about a year now, but they scheduled a day to go with the owners of the building. Being the careless people they were, they obviously said yes to the group of teenagers, not really caring at this point.

"Okay, who turned the radio off." A thick accent flooded the bus. Someone just about the same height as Ego was standing in the middle of her seat, their green eyes glancing around quickly. "I was listening to that, y'know." They hissed.
This was Cris, standing in a tan thick sweater with a long dull, faded, brown jacket and black pants, swearing to the 'air' at whoever turned the radio off.

This was Cris, standing in a tan thick sweater with a long dull, faded, brown jacket and black pants, swearing to the 'air' at whoever turned the radio off

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Ego chuckled, climbing into Adan's seat before sinking beside him.
"Was it you?" Adan turned to the taller.

Cris was awfully entertained by the news spreading around on the radio, it was like a wildfire begging for attention in a hot desert. And Cris just clawed at the story for hours now, only for it to be turned off. The only reason she took the seat next to one of the radio speakers was to listen to that.
Groaning loudly, they fell into their seat, giving up at this point.

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