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Bags rustled together loudly, echoing inside the hotel ballroom as murmurs from the crowd started to rise again. They stared in awe, taking in the view.

The ballroom was huge, painted in walls of white and grey, curtains that drape from the windows were streams of red blowing in the wind, and in the middle was a front desk of wood, shining brightly in the sunlight. There were two hallways on each side of the desk, and two more to their right and left of the ballroom. The group flooded the ballroom, looking around and through the corners of each hallway before circling back around to Ego.
The taller male placed his bags down on the front desk, going behind the smooth wooden surface to glance at room keys. His green eyes traveled over the inside of the desk, viewing notes, pens, pencils, paper clips, and then a large book. He blinked slowly, glancing at his friends- who were currently busy talking to each other- then pulled the book towards him slowly.

His gloved hand swept over the cover of it. Fingers grazing over the carvings of words on the title as he cautiously opened it with one hand.
He took a quick glance inside the book, noting scribbles and torn pages. 
Ego's brain started going numb, bright green eyes soon darkened and dulled as he spaced out violently. Static flooded his brain, his eyes darting around the desk, feeling his hand completely open the book.
Blinking aggressively, he regained consciousness and slammed the book shut and shoved it to the back of the desk.
The slam echoed throughout the tall ceiling room, causing everyone to look at Ego.

The slam echoed throughout the tall ceiling room, causing everyone to look at Ego

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He looked up, swallowing thickly as eyes pierced his skull.

Everyone's staring.

Taking a step from the desk, he cleared his throat.
"So the room keys are back here, but uh, there's limited ones so we probably have to bunk in the same room as other people. But- I guess you can leave your bags and stuff here while we look around." Ego spoke loudly, his voice shook slightly but he shoved it past and walked out from around the desk, grabbing a random key card.
Bags collapsed to the ground as the talking continued, filling the room once more.

The suited male sighed loudly before walking over to a sign in the hall, examining it slowly.


After wandering around the hotel for almost 2 hours, they ended up locating where the dining area, pool, and elevators were, it was around 4pm. The group split up and grabbed keycards from the front desk, either gathering in pairs or trios.

Ego had settled to go with Adan, both of them were waiting in the lobby for everyone else to gather with someone else.
The taller of the pair was playing around with his card, twirling it in his fingers, occasionally tossing it in the air and catching it as he leaned against the wooden desk. Adan on the other hand, fumbled with the bag he was holding, watching as everyone else soon dipped inside the elevator or down a hall. Cris walked by the pair with two others beside her, the other two people on the bus she was talking to as well.

"Hey, so Sem, Jan, and I were planning to order something to eat from the neighboring city for the group- did you wanna come with us, Ego?" She referred to the males besides her.
The one with the crystal blue textured horns, was Sem, who was standing besides Jan, whose hair was split in the middle with two colors; purple and red.

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