Staying the night- chap.3

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Smoothing my dress i fix my hair and ready myself for dinner. Alphas don't usually eat together so this will be an interesting night.

"Milady? Please allow me to escort you to the dining forest," Baylard bows as he speaks.

I nod,"As you wish Baylard. Let us go."

Baylard turns and holds his arm out waiting. I step forward taking his arm and i nod. He calmly walks us down the long hall, getting to the staircase he holds my hand and pauses.

"Milady i beg your parden but if i may be so bold... why aren't you wearing your usually attire? Not that this dress isnt beautiful, but is antagonizing the Alpha really-" i look down at my dress. Deep red it reaches the floor, and has a tight bodice outlineing my figure with my back exposed, my front is exposed with a deep v line. There are slits on each leg going up past my panty line showing off my hips and legs.

"Baylard," he bows, blushing in embarrassment,"do not question me. ever. I make the decisions here as Alpha Queen. And if you are going to be so bold I'll tell you why. Cam is bringing Noah home.. tonight. I want to look good for him.. Alpha be damned."

Turning ghostly Baylard mumbles his apologies and we proceed down the stairs.

Everyone turns but the eyes i want most haven't arrived yet. Frowning i release Baylard as we reach the bottom of the staircase and shoo him away. He bows and scampers off.

The other Alpha rises and walks towards me. Reaching out he takes my hand in his kissing it as he bows forward.


I hear growls and pull my hand back. Waving everyone silent.

"Your highness, i mean. You look... delicious." The alpha smiles, "I have failed to introduce myself properly my name is-"

"Ares. Yes I'm aware. Your the wolf who says he claims me." I nod and walk away,"I'm starving, whats for dinner?"

Running forward a wolf bows, "Majesty, venison was the meat chosen for tonight. Is that good? Its a fresh kill the hunter Kiara brought it in with her charges."

"Good. Kiara will dine with me today. Sit her close to me i want her on my right 2 seats down. Everyone! Let us feast!" I yell and the pack growls and cheers in agreement.

I lead us out the back Alpha Ares following close behind confused.
"I thought we were going to eat? Why the hell are we in the woods? "

"We dine under the starts Alpha."

"About the claim i made.. it wasnt meant to hold weight. I was jus-"

"Claims hold weight Alpha Ares. I dont understand why you would jokingly claim me. Im just a wolf. Like everyone else here." A young pup runs by and the pack laughs and runs trying to catch our young children whom are eager for their dinner.

"But you arent a regular wolf.. you are a queen."

When we reach the clearing The other pack gasps. Its a large clearing with a series of long tables enough for all members to have a seat. 3 main tables hold all ranking officers and smaller ones spread around hold teens and unranked, training aprentences.

Growling happily families and wolves rush into the clearing standing in their designated spots. I smile seeing the discipline my pack has, even the young ones puff their chests when i look them over as i walk to my seat.

My seat is raised by a single step. Baylard extends his hand and i hold it as i stand in front of my pack, just high enough to see every wolf.

"Welcome newcomers! I hope youve enjoyed your day on my grounds?" I question smiling as i hear no objections, "tomorrow you shall watch the training my men go through. It is very hard and some will not agree with my trainers methods, bit nonetheless you will be present! Now. Lets grub shall we?! I-"

Clearing his throat i turn to Baylard raising an eyebrow,"Yes Baylard?"

"Majesty the other alpha wont be present he-"


"Yes Majesty?"

"I have been patient have i not? Given that this Alpha has claimed me.. am i wrong?"

Baylard turns white, "Majesty no. Your never wrong! I just-"

"Jackson! Josiah! Tiery! Bring me the Alpha! Now!" The three males rush to find Alpha Ares.

I hush my pack.

"Who is in charge when Alpha Ares is absent? Im afraid Im not sure the Beta's name."

A female steps forward barely dressed, the males shift uncomfortably as i stare at the wolf. "I am in charge. Im Alpha Ares mate."

My eyes grow dark in anger. That bastard dare claim my womb when he has a willing and true mate she-wolf?!

"Majesty she is not our luna! Shes a whore who is trying to comfuse the alphas lust for love! I am the Beta my name is Mathias."

I nod in understanding and the females from my pack growl lowly at the liar.

"Do come sit here," i point to a seat on my left. My beta on my right rises along with Kiara who was put next to him (2nd seat from my right)as i instructed, "if your Alpha cannot take his place you shall take it for him." Beta Mathias comes forward bowing as Baylard stands at attention. I nod and Baylard snaps as my 2 attending females move forward to push my chair in as i sit. Beta Mathias slowly takes a seat.

Baylard approaches, "Majesty on your word?"

I nod, "Serve us," immediately servants rush forward with plates stacked high with venison and a side I got venison and mashed potatoes. Growling in aproval I use my knife to cut, and hold, a piece of venison up. Taking a bite i chew for a moment.

Looking to Kiara i nod in thanks, "Let us dine!"

Immediately all of my wolves dig into their dinner. The young pups dont even blink as things go flying. Some of us get a little crazy around good food.

Baylard rushes to me.

"Majesty, Cam and warrior Noah have arrived." I nod in understanding. Letting the wolves continue their feast i stand and Baylard assists me to the edge of the clearing waiting.

Cam comes out first, bowing. I smack his head and he picks me up twirling me. I laugh and spot Noah. I hit my brother's weak spot on his shoulder and he drops me to my feet. Growling at the dress I'm wearing Noah runs over picking me up and sniffing to make sure I'm truely in his arms. When he is for sure he isnt dreaming he howls. I join him and the pack joins us.

Alpha Ares comes storming into the clearing as Noah kisses my cheek. He growls loudly and I look at him confused. Noahs arms are around me but i pay no mind to them. Ignoring Ares I giggle with my best friend, pulling him towards the table.

Noah is brought a warm platter and my plate and cup are full again. My pack knows i have a large appetite. All wolves need meat a large amount of meat to sustain them. But the higher rank the more strength they have, so the more they eat.

Alpha Ares stares at me and Noah throughout the meal. Eventually everyone disperses and I don't know where he went. But Noah and i laugh. I whisper in his ear.

"Join me in the woods." I calmly walk into the woods and Noah uses his wolf speed to dash to the oposite corner and run around in the shadows so noone knows were meeting out here.

I hear twigs snap and smile.

"Its been too long."

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