Chapter 1

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I already hate her.

I glare intently at the ugly old hag talking with Gon about them going on a "date."

Wow... the word "date" keeps popping up.

"...And I need time to prepare for it, too." Gon continues to explain to Palm about having their "date" at a later time.

"Prepare? Prepare for what?" Palm inquires.

"That's..." Gon pauses, then he beams at Palm as he raises a finger, "a secret!"

I feel my heart squeeze at that. Gon is so adorable and precious, oh my god...

I feel myself blush incredibly, and I don't care enough to stop it.

"You get to find out tomorrow." Gon continues to smile at Palm, and I go back to glaring at them. He shouldn't be smiling like that at her, dammit. It should be me.

"Oh..." Palm realizes.

"In that case," she throws her knife down into the ground tip-first, "it's fine. Really... If you'd explained first, I wouldn't have been so angry."

"Sorry about that." Gon apologizes as he rubs the back of his beautiful head with his hand. I start to sweat the more I glare at the two.

"But I wanted to keep it a secret, to surprise you!"

"You wanted to surprise me? Gosh..." Palm giggles as she pokes Gon's forehead, which makes my blood boil. Stop touching him, dammit! He's not yours to play with!

"Let's meet up tomorrow, at 10 AM, in front of the bulletin board." Gon decides finally.


"I'll be there!"

I clutch the hem of my shirt, gritting my teeth, but then a thought pops into my head and I start to wonder: Gon's talking about this so casually and without question, like he's done this plenty of times before.

Damn, how does he know so much about dates?

The thought surprisingly starts to make me relax. I thought I would only get angrier, but I guess not. I loosen my grip on my shirt and I even start to smile. The fact that Gon surprisingly knows so much about this subject... makes my heart flutter. Because when we go on our first date—I know he'll say yes, he has to—with his knowledge, it'll be just perfect. He'll know what to do, and he'll know how to please me. If only I could give something like that in return...


"Gon, you're amazing!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, listening to you talk to Palm—"

And absolutely despising her...

"—you seemed used to this stuff." I look down as I speak.

Right now we're training at the gym, which was one of the best places to be with Gon, in my opinion. I loved training with him—actually, I just loved doing anything with him. But just seeing him lifting weights—with his sweat trickling down his body, and his damp tank top sticking to his smooth, tan skin—really makes my stomach swarm with butterflies. I always try to ignore the feeling, since we're focused on our training and I don't want Gon questioning me, but it never fails to arouse me.

I look up at Gon as I remember my thought from earlier, staring at him for a few seconds as I hold the large dumbbell over my shoulders.

"I was wondering..." I begin, then Gon looks up at me with his gorgeous brown eyes.


"Have you been on a date before?"

"Sure, I have."

I widen my eyes at those three words and feel as though a boulder had just crushed my skull.

What?! Really?!

"Well, most of them were with Mito-san."

I visibly relax at that.

"Oh, that makes sense..." But then I tense up again as I realize—

"Wait, who else was there?"

"Oh, some of the fishing boats that stopped at Whale Island were full of women, some of whom only liked younger men..." Gon continues to lift his weights while my brain starts to become clouded with thoughts of confusion, as well as a bit of jealousy.

He's... been on dates... with older women?

"So I took them around the village and had them teach me things."

"Eugh?" I look at Gon, my eyebrow twitching as I swell up with more emotions than I can even depict.

T-teach him things? Th-That means...

He's a grown-up!

"Women like that are called fanatics." Gon continues.

"Haven't you ever been on a date, Killua?"

I force myself not to blush from the question and I instinctively become a little defensive.

"No! Of course not... I spent all my time training as an assassin. And ever since I quit, I've been with you."

Although that's all true, I would also never be with anyone else who wasn't Gon.

"Oh, yeah." Gon realizes, and I close my eyes.


And I really don't want that to change...

I remember the words Bisky threw at me while we were training the other day.

Somewhere down the line, you'll leave Gon behind to die.

Those words at the time made me very upset, and thinking about it now it still hurts a bit. I would never leave Gon behind even if it meant my life.

But now... it angers me more than it's upsetting.

I became so lost in thought that I hadn't realized Gon was now on the phone. All I hear is that Kite's alive and being controlled by the enemy as I approach Gon from behind, but I still keep my distance. I'm not really paying attention to the conversation, though. I'm only focused on Gon and Gon alone.

When Gon hangs up, he pauses for a moment before letting out a cheer of pure happiness.

"YES!!!" He throws his hands in the air, grinning widely, and I blush at the adorable sight.

"I knew that Kite was alive!!!"

I smile warmly at the adorable bundle of joy and I get the urge to just take him into my arms, give him many kisses and call him mine. Whisper sweet nothings into his ear, cuddle him close while I play with his hair. Have him relax into me, and we fall asleep together in each other's embraces.

But I don't.

First, I need to make sure Palm knows her place.


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