Chapter 2

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I watch Gon as he awaits for Palm to arrive by the bulletin board outside of where we're staying. He doesn't know that I intend to keep an eye out for him while they're out together, only so that Palm doesn't do anything stupid. Plus for the 30 days without his nen, Gon is practically defenseless, and I swore to myself that I would protect him with my life for these next 30 days.

I'm sitting on a nearby bench, wearing a big hat and holding a newspaper as a disguise. It's not much, but there's no way Gon would be able to suspect anything out of the ordinary, nonetheless spot me.

I then see a tall lady with long brown hair, a yellow dress while wearing a dark cyan shirt and pants underneath, white boots, rose-colored eyes, and a pink purse approach Gon. Shit! Why the hell is someone else so interested in Gon, now?!

"I didn't recognize you!" Gon exclaims, to which i exclaim to myself—

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I glare at the two with nothing but pure anger in my deathly gaze. Why would some random stranger just come up to Gon like that?!

Wait... Don't tell me she's a child molester! Fuck, no! I have to stop this! He's mine, you bitch!

Wait, he's not mine, technically... I frown a bit from the previous thought.

Why did I think that? He doesn't belong to me...

"Do I look strange?" The stranger seems a little embarrassed as she asks.

"Nope, you look really pretty!" Gon exclaims again with a smile, and I recoil, utter disgust now displayed on my face.

Don't just throw out these compliments to random people, you idiot!

I can't help but feel utterly disgusted and jealous as I stare at the two.

"Wait, stop it...! You're too loud! You're embarrassing me...!" The female tries to get Gon to shut up. Finally, something good for once actually comes out of her mouth.

"What? I'm just telling the truth." Gon confusedly tilts his head, and the stranger tries pushing him forward, starting to walk.

"That's enough, let's go. Quickly."


There's no way a random stranger would randomly come up to Gon like that, and talk to him like they knew each other.

It's gotta be Palm.

I can't help the low groan of annoyance and revulsion that escapes my mouth. I just can't believe what I've witnessed. It's so disgusting it makes my stomach twist with such... fury. Vexation. Irritability.


I can't stand her.

She got all dressed up for Gon, didn't she? She wanted to impress him. She wanted him to show her all his affection and keep it for herself. Not sharing him with any thing, nor any one, huh? You got yourself thinking he's all yours, huh?

You couldn't be any. more. wrong.


For the whole day, I followed Gon and Palm around like some sort of stalker. I swear I'm not. I just want to make sure Palm doesn't pull anything... Either way, I'm definitely gonna talk to her when she's away from Gon.

I can't risk losing him...

I snap out of my thoughts once again when I realize Palm and Gon are now out of their seats from the table they were sitting at, now walking far away from me, and I quickly pick up my feet to continue following them.

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