Chapter 6: Reality Has Rules

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There's a certain irony to a gift which allows its bearer to predict the ill intentions and actions of others. The irony being in the fact that, while the ability had saved Minerva's life on more occasions than she could count, there were repercussions to it.

Entering the hollow place slowly killed her.

At first she'd called it her safe place, the only existence where she held the upper hand, untouchable and alone. When a bully in class decided to punch her, she knew the path of their fist as soon as the thought entered their mind and could avoid it.

But reality has rules.

The price of her power was exacted in the form of energy. The empty place drained her life and leeched the color from her skin.

And she'd quickly learned that it could not protect her from everyone.

Minerva fingered a couple loose threads on her uniform, waiting for Tobias to make his move. The door creaked shut behind Brenna. Run, Bren. Time is of the essence.

The seconds ticked by and Minerva trembled. Glimpsing the future did not reassure her. If anything, it made her more afraid.

Tobias closed the distance. His hands reached to grab her throat. Silent fury burned in his glare.

Minerva side-stepped at the last moment. What did I do to deserve this?

The two servants at the doorway acted as if they were blind. Instead of backing down, Tobias growled and tried to sweep her legs out from under her instead.

Stepping away so that his foot only brushed her pants, Minerva turned her attention from the outward battle to the inward.

Kill him, Kozakura whispered.

He's the heir to the Draco Empire, Minerva argued, the inner voice of reason against the voice of violence. The last thing we need is a second Imperial War.

But if we don't kill him, he'll kill us, Kozakura whimpered, her tough veneer close to cracking.

Minerva let Tobias' fist take her in the face. Pain exploded on her cheekbone.

Murder would put us in my mother's sights, Minerva answered, pulling out the trump card.

Kozakura fell silent.

Minerva heard footsteps on the stairs, Matsudo's heavy tread. At that moment, Tobias' veins glowed red. Their little game of 'catch me if you can' had heated his blood to boiling.

Time to lose.

Within seconds, he took her down. Her head hit the reed mat, hard ridges digging into her scalp. Tobias' hands closed around her throat. His expression turned bored, as if this were an unpleasant chore he wished to finish.

"Why are you doing this?" Minerva choked out. Tears leaked from her eyes as she tried to pry Tobias' hands away. The smell of pipe smoke clung to his clothing and stung her nostrils.

For a moment, Tobias looked like nothing more than a confused little boy. Then he sneered. "I think the real question is: Why hasn't someone done this before?"

Dark spots began to dance across Minerva's vision, motes of ash blemishing Tobias' face. Panic surged in her. The situation hit too close to her memories of Vren. Where's Matsudo? The timing couldn't have—

"What's going on here?" The metallic melody of a kirukkan blade being drawn accompanied the low rumble of the former general's voice.

Tobias' released his hold and jumped back. Minerva gasped to fill her lungs, rolling over onto her side before sitting up.

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